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Kaia stays in bed for as long as possible, even if it includes laying in a still position, completely awake with her eyes closed.

"Get up, I'm hungry and your watch says that your heart rate is higher than what it is when you're asleep, so stop pretending."

She had never found Sarah's voice annoying until now. But then again, her friend did have a point.

Kaia groans, prying her eyes open only to be met with a bold ray of the sun. "Ugh, fine. I'm more hungover than I thought I would be."

Sarah shifts her weight on the edge of the bed and Kaia shields her eyes from the sun before looking over at her. Her hands are extended out with a glass of water and Advil, making Kaia stir to sit up. When she takes them from her with a grateful smile, Sarah tells her to come to have food downstairs soon.

After drinking every drop of the water and swallowing the Advil, she falls back onto the pillows and waits for something to kick in and make her feel better.

She waits a couple of minutes before balancing herself as she stands up and grabbing a loose pair of shorts. Kaia puts them on and opens up Sarah's bedroom door. It was much later than she had planned on sleeping in till, but she couldn't complain about the amount of sleep that she had received—especially after the events of last night. Her hands are wrapped around the railing as she makes her way downstairs, stabilizing her before she walks into the kitchen.

Sarah stands on the side of the island without the barstools and taps her fingers on the countertop.

"Did you already eat?" Kaia asks, rubbing her eyes and leaning her forearms on the counter.

Sarah nods, "Yeah, I've been up for a couple of hours already."

Kaia raises her index finger and points at Sarah before pushing off the counter and making her way to the coffee maker. "Good for you, a set schedule... smart."

She chuckles, watching as Kaia grabs a mug and pours herself some coffee. "Hey! That's probably the worst thing to drink when trying to recover from a hangover."

She shakes her head, "It tastes good?"

Sarah rolls her eyes and offers her two slices of toast. "As long as you eat those," she points down at them, "we will have no problems."

Kaia nods and opens the fridge, grabbing butter and dropping the container on the island. Sarah glares over at her friend before handing her a knife to spread it with. She walks around the island, sitting on a seat before dropping her head into her hands.

Kaia furrows her eyebrows, glancing over at her friend who doesn't seem to be feeling the greatest. "Hey, are you okay?" She leans forward and lowers her voice. "You know... after last night?"

Sarah glances up at her through her eyelashes and rolls her eyes. "I just... I can't understand why JJ would even do that. Topper wasn't even going to-"

"You have to say that it looked horrible. Topper, he looked fully committed."

In no way was Kaia defending JJ's decision of clicking the safety off of a loaded gun and hold it up to her friend's head, but she couldn't sit here and watch as Sarah thought of the incident as spontaneous and without reason. She once thought that Topper wouldn't wind up in a situation like that, but she had slowly noticed him become more aggravated and irritated with the Pogue's. Even when there was no reason to. In all honesty, Kaia was among the same group of Kook's who realized that the feud was a waste of energy.

fire and flame ⇢ rafe cameronWhere stories live. Discover now