Rejected for all the wrong reasons

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ENLISTING OFFICE Bronx, New York 1942
As I walking in to the building, I felt eyes on the back of my head. Giving me icy, judgemental looks.
I walk up to the front desks, and waited for the man to look up from his papers.When he finally noticed me, he said
"How can I help you Miss?"
"I'd like to enlist in the army."
He let out a deep chuckle,
"I am sorry Miss,but that is not at all possible."
"And why not, Sir?" I questioned
"Well because your a woman."
"Please, lower your voice. Women are not aloud to enlist. Because they a to weak and frail for combat. Now I would appreciate it if you would leave."
"No." I replied, very insulted.
The man motioned over to the guard in the corner and said,
"Now you can either leave on your own or my friend here can make you leave."
I stood up and retorted
"Are you ready for a the fight sir?"

I limped in to the door with my hand on my nose trying to stop it from bleeding.
"Hay Debby." (my roommate) I greeted her.
"Hay how are y-" She started, and then looked over at me.
"Oh my lord what happened you?" she said as she pulled up and forced me in to it.
"I'm fine. I tried to enlist in the Army but they wouldn't let me just because I'm a girl. So, I wanted to show them what they were missing. The guards forced me out of the building, but I got in a few good punches." I explained.
"You can't do that. You'll get a bad reputation. I have told you several times that this is just how things are. Women don't get to fight in the war."
she scolded me as she tended to my ankle.
"Well they shouldn't be that way."
"Maybe, but they are. The only way you could even get close to enlisting is if you dressed up like a boy. Even then it won't work."
"Yeah" I replied but my mind was off somewhere else, planning and scheming.

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