Where can I get my hair cut?

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"I could pass as a boy couldn't," I thought to myself, "I am not very curvy and I barely anything on my chest. All I need to fit the part is the clothes."

I got up and walked out the door to go shopping.


I must have thought what I would say if anyone asked me why I was buying men's clothing over a thousand times in my head,

"These are for my husband for his birthday."

I am a horrible liar, so I figured if I practiced it enough it would sound natural. After a while I finally got up the courage to go in. The store has been there since I do not know when, my Dad used to shop here before he moved away. I have no idea why, the place smelled of mothballs, and it was completely deserted.

As I start to look around I realize, I have no idea what I am looking for. Then finally a man worked there came over and asked

"Can help you with anything, Miss?"

"Actually yes I am looking for clothes for my husband, and I have no idea what to buy him. Do you have any recommendations."

Then, before I knew it I had three outfits for my "husband."

"Thank you for all your help!" I said to the sales men, as I walked out the door

"No problem" he replied.

Well that was easier than I thought it would be, I will probably be able to enlist tomorrow at this rate. All I need now is a hair cut.


God, who knew cutting hair could be such a pain! I have managed to chopped most of it off with kitchen scissor, but it is very un even. Well, I can not deal with is anymore, I have to leave before Betty wakes up. The army will just have to take someone with a bad haircut.

I put on my clothes. Since I don' really have boobs, I do not have to wrap cloth around my chest. Also, I do not have any curves. This is the one time my boyish body comes in handy.

I take my bag of clothes, and start for the door. I pass a mirror on the way out, and I barely recognized myself. I looked like a boy. This gave me a second of clarity. Even though I will be gladly serving my country, I am going to miss being a girl. But then I know there is no going back. I walk straight out the door and I don't look back.

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