How it began

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It was a day just like normal, Karl and Sapnap were on the couch cuddling watching happy feet.
"Sapnapppppppppp" Karl whined
"Yes karl?" Sapnap replied looking down at the boy in his lap.
"Can we go outsideeeeeeee please"
Sapnap admired his beautiful hair and eyes. Karl was too perfect.
"But darling it's raining outside, we would get cold"
Karl looked at him and pouted
"I love rain now let's go!!"
Karl got up off of Sapnap and pulled him out side and started dancing in the rain.
"See it's not that bad!" Karl yelled over the sound of the rain crashing on the ground.
After about 5 minutes Sapnap finally joined Karl.
The both spun in the rain and couldn't stop their laughter. Sapnap picked up Karl and spun him around in his arms.
"why would I? I just want to kiss you!" Sapnap replied smiling.
Karl looked away blushing, then turned to Sapnap again and kissed him.
Sapnap was embracing the kiss and loved every moment of it.
After awhile Karl broke the kiss and asked to go back inside since both boys were drenched . So Sapnap carried him back inside and they both dried off.
Time skip 1 week later_____________
Karl and Sapnap were getting ready for a day out at the beach.
"Karl are you ready yet, you always take 100 years to get ready hurry up!" Sapnap yelled.
"Your just very impatient now wait 5 minutes you simp!!" Karl yelled back with a grin. Karl and Sapnap always loved teasing each other, and did it quite often.
After about 10 more minutes he was finally ready.
They got into the car and started driving to the beach where they would meet Dream, George and Quackity.
As Sapnap drove the car both boys were blasting music and singing there minds out.
As they arrive at the beach they found the spot that Dream, George and Quackity were and went to sit over with them.
"GUYS LETS JUMP OFF THE BRIDGE INTO THE WATER!!" Quackity jumped up and down.
"Yea I'm down!" Dream agreed
The rest all got up and ran to the bridge.
"ME FIRST!" Karl said jumping into the water with a big splash. Everyone else jumped down after him.
After about 5 minutes of splashing around and swimming, George had a sudden realisation.
"George, are you ok?" Dream asked swimming over to him.
"Guys.. where is Karl." He replied
"Is he not with you George?" Quackity said concerned.
"No, I thought he was with Sapnap?!"
They all went to shore and called the cops.
Karl, their best friend, and ones lover has just disappeared...
A search party was deployed to help find him.
Sapnap sat there, head buried in his hands trying to hold back tears.
" what would happen if I jumped down with him?" He thought "would he be ok?"
Dream put his had on Sapnap's shoulder.
"It's ok Sap, we will find him."
"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck.." Sapnap repeatedly said
Sapnap could only think the worst. The more he tried to think positive, he would crash down with doubt.

"What if he is gone...what if I never see him again."
Authors Note:
537 words, next part will be worse in my opinion but you will see

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