Cool Moms

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A/N: This story belong to notsoawesomenerd.

SUMMARY: Jisoo and Jennie are the cool moms and throw Ella a trampoline birthday party. It leads to (what Jisoo would have you believe) a near death experience.

Ella: Age 14

Doyoung: Age 3

It was Ella's 14th birthday party. Jisoo and Jennie had organized an event at a local trampoline park with a few of Ella's friends. There was a boy Ella was developing a little crush on. The only other boy was an out and proud gay teen, who reminded Jisoo remarkably a lot of Jinyoung.

Doyoung was already fussy as soon as they got to the park. Jisoo had been looking forward to getting on the trampolines and maybe showing off a bit for her eldest, but she hated to leave Jennie with a whiny kid.

"Want me to take him to the kid area?" Jisoo asked when Jennie finally sat down, already looking exhausted.

"No, that's okay." Jennie let out a little sigh. "I'll take him in a minute. He's probably just jealous all the attention isn't on him."

"Okay, but listen, you're not on parenting duty the whole time."

"Babe, we're both on parenting duty the whole time." Jennie laughed good naturedly. "I'd rather handle Ella than a pack of wild teenagers. You go for it."

"Fine." Jisoo grinned. "If we need to switch, you say so."

"I will." Jennie stretched her neck up to give Jisoo a quick kiss. "Now go show those youngin's how it's done."

"Will do." Jisoo smirked with a quick little salute before going to join Ella and the group.

After awhile of being on the trampolines and trying out various jumps and flips, Jisoo decided she needed a break. She was grateful Doyoung and Jennie had decided the same.

"How was the kiddie area?" Jisoo asked as she wiped her brow.

"We had so much fun, didn't we?" Jennie smiled down at Doyoung who held her hand tightly with the widest grin.

"I do big jumps, Mommy!"

"Awesome, little dude!" Jisoo gave him a high five before stealing a little kiss from her wife.

"He's a little tired. When's lunch and cake?" Jennie asked, also looking a little worn out herself.

"After the dodgeball game." Jisoo wiggled her eyebrows.

"Oh, babe." Jennie sighed. "Please don't tell me you're going to try and bully a bunch of teenagers in trampoline dodgeball."

"Not bully! Dominate."

"You are ridiculous."

"But you love me." Jisoo smiled proudly. "So are you two gonna come watch?"

"Yes!" Doyoung clapped his hands, not even aware of what he was clapping for.

Jisoo had reserved a small trampoline room for an hour for just the birthday party. She suggested a little game of trampoline dodgeball, which Ella was fully on board with.

"As long as I'm on the team against you." Ella narrowed her eyes, playfully competitive.

"Exactly what I was planning." Jisoo gave her the exact same look back.

The teams were assigned. Ella's friends were all super excited. They all viewed Jisoo and Jennie as the coolest moms in school, despite Ella's adamant refusal to agree. Jisoo glanced at Jennie, who held a very curiously excited Doyoung in her lap. She shot her wife a confident wink before turning to her opponents.

On Jisoo's count the teams started throwing soft dodgeballs the sizes of grapefruits at each other. They were bouncing around and everyone was laughing and having a good time. While Jisoo was still ultra competitive, she was more excited to have a successful party for a group of teenagers. That was difficult to do.

With a few teens from both teams out of the game and jumping near the back of the respective teams, Jisoo set her sights on the boy that seemed infatuated with her daughter. She cocked her arm, and hurled the ball his direction. It hit him right on the front of his shoulder. The force knocked him a little off balance, and after struggling to keep it, he fell flat on his face and bounced a few times before struggling to get to his feet.

"How do ya like me now, punk?" Jisoo raised her arms in victory, jumping a little higher.

Ella, never one to let her mom get too cocky, hurled a ball right at her. Jisoo saw it coming and managed to twist her body just so to avoid getting hit. The ball rolled a few inches away so that it was just in between Jisoo and Ella. And at that moment the two brunettes realized it was down to just them.

They locked eyes, then glanced at the ball. They both lunged quickly for it. Ella got to it first, but they were both on their bellies at that point. Jisoo had precious few seconds to get to her feet and get into a defensive stance. The moment she got on her feet she spun away from Ella but her toe clipped the edge of one of the matts.

It was like it happened in slow motion.

Jisoo tripped and saw the trampoline headed towards her face at rapid speed. She faceplanted and bounced hard. Her feet awkwardly flew in the air behind her and over her head as her arms flailed, trying to push herself back up. Ella smiled cunningly as she took aim. She threw the ball with the force and precision of a softball shortstop and hit Beca right in the middle of her back.

"We win!" Ella raised her fists high above her head victoriously. "How do you like me now, huh?" She threw Jisoo's words right back at her before turning to celebrate with her team.

Jisoo grunted and grumbled as she shoved herself to her feet.

"You got lucky, kid."

"Keep telling yourself that." Ella just kept jumping with the cockiest smirk on her lips.

Jisoo found her way to her wife and son and sat down with a heavy sigh. Jennie curled her lips together to keep the laughter from seeping out, but her chest was shaking with silent giggles.

"Yeah, laugh it up." Jisoo snarked. "I could have died."

"Right, right. Just like that bear trap." Jennie couldn't contain her laughter in anymore.

"Mommy silly!" Doyoung giggled almost maniacally as he stumbled over to Jisoo and slapped her knees with his palms. She took the cue and easily lifted him to her lap.

"You liked that, huh?"

"Yeah!" Doyoung smiled his little toothy grin.

"God, I love his laugh." Jisoo said quietly when she turned to Jennie.

"You make him laugh a lot." Jennie's smile softened a little as she rubbed the boy's head. "You're a really good mom."

Jisoo just bit her lip proudly before blowing a raspberry on Doyoung's cheeks causing him to erupt in squealing giggles.

"Despite the near death experience." Jisoo smirked as she bounced the boy on her knee. "This is a pretty successful birthday party."

"Of course it is." Jennie wiggled her shoulders with an awkward cocky smirk on her lips. "We're the cool moms."

Jensoo One shot ConvertWhere stories live. Discover now