Chapter 12

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I was so happy when Mateo told me I could call my father. I really needed to hear his voice. After 2 ring he picked up.
"Aria where have you been. I called a few time but you never picked up." My dad said.
"I'm sorry dad it's just that my cellphone broke and I sent it to get fixed and I finally got it back today. How are you? I miss you so much" I said with tears flowing down my cheeks. We talked for another 5 minutes until Mateo looked at me signaling me to hang up already. "Dad I have to go now but I'll call you soon okay. I love you so much pelas take care of yourself" once we said our goodbyes I hung up.
"Thank you again for letting me do this"
"Alright you should go back to your room" I nodded and I went up but he didn't follow me.

A few hours passed and someone knocked on my door. "Come in" I said. It was Denise. She looked happy to see me and to be honest I was happy to see her. I got up and we hugged each other.
"Oh dear how are you. I understand why you did what you did and I'm happy that your still alive but you can't do those things Aria" she told me.
"I know Denise and I'm sorry for leaving you but I didn't know what else to do I was desperate. I'm sorry."
"Mateo is a good person but when you make him angry he loses his temper. But with you, he keeps sparing you. I think he likes you." She giggled.
"Yeah right" I giggled back.
"Listen, Mateo is a mafia boss and he has many enemies. They try catching him off guard once they see a tiny but off distraction. He was so distracted in looking for you that could've been dangerous for everyone. Any little distraction could lead to his downfall. He's a very powerful man." I know what she was trying to say and I get it but I can't forget the fact that I was kidnapped. "Just please don't do it again"
"I won't Denise" I smiled and she stayed for a few minutes and we talked a bit.

It was dinner and Denise had called me to go down. Before walking into the kitchen a man was coming out. He was tall and fit but not like Mateo. When he looked at me it was with disgust and he rolls his eyes. Well I can tell he doesn't like me. I walked into the kitchen and it smelled delicious. "It smells good Denise. As usual."
"Why thank you  dear"
"Hey Denise"
"Who's that man that just walked out of here?"
"Oh that's Marco dear. Mateos best friend. Also his right hand man. The second in charge." Well I guess I know why he doesn't like me.
"Oh. Will Mateo be joining us?" I asked.
"No dear he's not home. He went off doing god knows what" I  was a bit disappointed but I couldn't show Denise that so I just smiled and we ate. together.

Once I finished helping Denise wash dishes I came up to my room and watched tv for a bit. It was getting late. I heard footsteps coming up the stairs. Mateo. But he wasn't alone. I heard a female voice and she was giggling. I quietly got up and opened the door slowly. She was blonde women wearing a tight black dress with 6 inch heels and pounds of makeup. Mateo was holding her hand. Was that his girlfriend. He opened his door and they both went inside. Disgusting. I didn't care though he could do whatever he wanted. But why did it bother me so much. I closed the door quietly and crawled back to bed turning the volume up more. I didn't want to hear them. I was annoyed.

"Boss we got a lead to Dante" called said storming into my office.
"What are we waiting for. Let's go" my cousin had been getting on my f*cking nerve lately. I needed to end him now. I think if I kill him my uncle jack would show no emotion. Hell we'd even be happier. It was time to end him. We were at an abandoned factory. About 45 minutes out of the city. It was too quiet. That was never good.
"Are you sure we're at the right place"
"Yes boss all signs have led to this place" I was suspicious. I feel like we should've been attacked by now but it was silent. There was a door and I opened it. It was unlocked. I heard a little beep. Shit.
"EVERYONE BACK" I yelled. And boom. A f*cking bomb. "Is everyone okay" I asked.
"Are you good boss" I looked at my arm and it was bleeding from a burn. "Anything serious" Marco asked.
"Nothing I can't handle" I replied. We drove off. Well what a waste. It was a f*cking tramp. Dante was definitely dead now. When we got to the base which was only 15 minutes from the house, we were coming up with a new plan.
"So how was it that my cousin was able to attack us and he wasn't even here?" I asked my men.
"He's only a 24 year old good for nothing piece of shit and basically won today. This can't f*cking happen again. Understood?" Everyone nodded. "I'll see you all tomorrow. Be f*cking ready"

I was stressed and I needed to relax but again.. I couldn't stop thinking of Aria. I pulled up my cell and ringed Nikki. "Be at my place in 15."
"Of course my love" I hung up before she could say anything else. God was she annoying but she was a good distraction so I'll take my chances.

Once I pulled up not even two minutes later Nikki pulled up beside me.
"Hey baby. I miss you. You left me hanging the other day." She said.
"Let's go" I said ignoring her other comments and she just followed. When we were walking upstairs I couldn't help but notice Arias door. I know she was looking and I acted as if I didn't see her. What does it matter anyway. I led Nikki into my room and we just got down straight to business. I kind of wished it was Aria. F*ck what am I saying. She's no good for me. She also deserves way better. I'm just the devil.

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