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Vansh and vihaan were sitting in their cabin working on a file, it had been one month of their marriage with their jaan and they couldn't help but agree that their life had turned as beautiful as a fairytale but there were still danger lurking around

Although the attacker didn't strike again but the surprising fact was that no proof against his identity was found

No one in underworld knew about him which was hell confusing

They were doing everything it took to keep their jaan safe

Vihaan's phone rang bringing him out of his thoughts

Smiling, vihaan answered it and moved out of the cabin

After finishing his work, vansh too was about to leave when angre came inside

A: boss we have an important meeting with black mamba

V: but it was supposed to take place tomorrow angre

A: yes boss
But he is leaving India tomorrow early in the morning
Thats why he scheduled the meeting tonight only

V: alright
Inform vihaan too

A: he just left boss

V: fine
I will attend the meet

Vihaan on the other hand reached riddhima's hospital to pick her up

Leaning against the car, he waited for her come out

Coming out, riddhima ran to him and took him in a warm hug

Vi: i missed you doll

R: i missed you too

Vi: how come my doll called me today to pick her from work

R: i was thinking of going on a long drive with my jaans
That is why i asked the driver to take my car home
I tried calling vansh too but his phone was unavailable

Vi: hmm must be due to low battery
Come on now
Lets go on a long driver

Riddhima smiled and got into the car

Blasting the music on full volume, both enjoyed the cold breeze and the beautiful night view

R: vihaaaan

Vihaan immediately stopped the car

Vi: whats wrong doll

R: vihaan ice cream

Riddhima said like a kid
Getting down from the car, she ran towards the shop

Vihaan smiled at his sweet kid and followed her

R: bhaiya
One cornetto
2 feast
1 magnum

Vi: wow wow wow
Easy doll
If you will eat this much ice cream them you will catch cold

R: don't worry vihaan
Nothing will happen

Taking the ice cream riddhima happily went towards their car and sat on the bonnet

Vihaan too joined her

R: the night is soo beautiful vihaan

Riddhima said while eating her ice cream

Vi: it indeed is

Vihaan said lost in her

Her beautiful hair were flying due to the wind, the pink lips smeared with ice cream, a beautiful glow on her face

Vihaan slowly caressed her cheeks and leaned down to take her lips between his

Riddhima moaned softly in between the kiss

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