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Riddhima laid down on the bed trying to calm the war between her heart and mind

Her heart was telling her to accept both vansh and vihaan and live a happy life

But her mind was rebuking her
What would the society think about her
They would straight forward tag her as a slut who is having relationship with two men
And not to forget the rai singhania family
They would eat her raw if they come to know that both rai singhania heirs are mad behind her

Her eyes snapped open feeling two warm hands on her stomach

Vansh and vihaan were lying on either side of the bed with their arms wrapped around her petite waist

V: relax sweetheart

Vi: we are your husbands
Itna haq toh hai na hamara tum par

As she was already tired she didn't argue and slipped into a deep slumber feeling safe in their arms

As soon as she fell asleep, their eyes darkened

Vansh gently caressed her cheeks,
Vihaan nuzzled his face in her neck

            NOT EVEN GOD

both bend down and pecked her forehead

Placing their head on her chest, both fell into a peaceful sleep

Next morning:

The sunrays peeking into the room broke their sleep

Both sat up on the bed but their heart quickened seeing the room empty

Vihaan immediately rushed out to check on her whereas vansh knocked the bathroom door

Panting vihaan ran back inside the room

Vi: riddhima is no where in the house

V: god damn it

Angre ran inside their room

Vihaan held his collar and jerked him

Vi: where the hell is riddhima

A: boss

Squeezing his throat vihaan said in a barbaric tone

Vi: answer me damn it
We have asked you to keep an eye on everyone
Not even a single fly should move out of this house
Then where is my doll

Vansh's phone pinged

It was a message from riddhima

Vihaan let go of angre and came near vansh


Dear vansh and vihaan
I know you both must be searching for me
I want you both to come to the glass house
I have taken my decision
Its time to reveal my answer

Both vansh and vihaan immediately rushed out of the mansion making sure that no one sees them together

Glass house:

Both reached the glass house and were surprised to see it decorated with roses and heart ballons

Dressed in a purple gown, riddhima was looking nothing less than an princess



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