Chapter 12

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"Hyung." I was surprised to see Dino crying his eyes out on my bed. "Where were you? I was worried."
I quickly closed the door and went to comfort him. He looked like a little kid with his red nose and teary eyes. It melted my heart.
"Dino..." I sat beside him and pulled him closer to me. He obediently moved closer and almost sat on my lap. I trapped him in a lock in between my legs and arms. His face rested on my chest and my chin on his head. "What's wrong?" I asked.
"Hyung..." He started. "I was worried when you ran away. Why did you carelessly go like that?" He hit my chest with his fist. It didn't hurt even a bit.
"I'm sorry, Dino. But I'm alright, right?" I pulled away a little to show him. He glared at me before checking my face and hid himself back in my chest.
He nodded. "I'm sorry too. I just want to have a little time to figure myself out. I promise I won't leave forever."
I frowned. "Do you have something over in your mind?"
"Just something..." He sighed. "You don't need to worry about it. I'll tell you someday."
"Alright." I said smiling at his little innocence. "I'll wait."
Dino pulled away from my lock and slid under the sheets. I raised an eyebrow that he returned with a sheepish grin. "I'm staying over today."
I sighed shaking my head at him. "Alright. What about dinner?"
"I had dinner before you come. It's a pity you couldn't taste your mom's beef today." He said smugly. He looked nowhere near sympathetic.
"It's alright." I said as slid beside him. I pulled him closer, putting my hands around his shoulder. "I still had a good day despite having a bad day."
"Hyung..." Dino started. "Who was the first love you were talking about the other day?"
"What first love?" We almost screeched at the sudden new voice.
"Hyung." I shrieked. "Don't come onto me like that."
Jeonghan Hyung clicked his tongue before squeezing closer to Dino under the blanket." I can't believe you thought you'd have a sleepover without me. What if the demon under the bed gets you?"
I scoffed. "St-stop scaring us, Hyung. There-er is no such thing." I tried not to stutter. "We're not scared of those those things anymore."
Dino's gulped audibly, giving away how scared we were. "I don't think I'm not scared."
Jeonghan Hyung smirked. "See. My babies still need me." He said as he squeezed us by pushing us near the wall. It wasn't a big bed to begin with. Thank God the other side of the bed had wall or I'd be on the ground by now. "Now what first love were you talking about?"
"My first love." I sighed.
"Tell me about it." He pressed.
I sighed. He wouldn't leave me alone until I did anyway. "I won't tell you who it is. But the person is really cute. Although I've never seen a smile on that person's face I have a feeling it'd be beautiful. And I doubt the person will ever reciprocate my feelings but I don't want to give up. But I don't know how to convey my feelings too."
"I understand how it feels." Dino said in a low voice. "Can't express but want to impress."
"Who is it, Dino?" Jeonghan Hyung asked. "The girl with pigtails in your class?"
"No. I'm not telling you who. I already hate myself for getting attached in the wrong way. Not once but maybe it'll be twice." He sighed. "I like it but at the same time dislike it. I want to forget it but I want to remember the little beautiful memories that they held."
"Woah. Twice?" I gasped. "You sure are a player."
He chuckled. "Sure. You could say that." I smiled at him with whatever the little light I had from the window I could get. "I usually confuse extra care sometimes with feelings. But I think I'll get out of that someday."
"You will, Dino. And we'll do everything to be with you. Never forget that no matter who loves you in the future...we always loved you first." Jeonghan Hyung patted his stomach lovingly.
"I know. And I'll never forget, Hyung." He said seemingly pleased. "I'm alright now. First love never comes true any way."
"Hyung." I said realising something. "Who was your first love?"
"Is." Hyung said with pride.
"Woah. First love isn't a myth after all." Dino gasped. "Who is it?"
"I'm not telling. You guys didn't tell me either. When we all are sure one-day, let's reveal them at once." He said. "But my first love is really cute. The first impression you'll get of that person might be strong. But the person is just a little kid inside a grownup's body. That is until you piss them off. Sulky but strong. Childish but responsible. In short the cutest person I've ever seen or will see."
"You said I'd always be the cutest baby." Dino pouted.
"Of course you will be." Jeonghan Hyung panicked. "In different ways. You're like my baby. And you'll always be."
"Geez." He sighed. "I'm a teenager now. Stop babying me."
"Nuh-huh." We both responded in unison.
"Even when we grow old, you'll still be my eightyyear old baby." Jeonghan Hyung said kissing his side head.
"You'll be dead till I turn eighty."

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