A Little Early

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I woke up the next morning to look over and see my ruggedly handsome soon to be husband sleeping like a baby. I loved this man more than anything and nothing would ever change that. He shifted in his sleep and turned towards me and put his hand on my belly. I kissed his bearded cheek and just basked in the moment. "Baby" i said. "Hmm?" He said with his eyes still closed. "I'm hungry" i said. Then he opened his eyes and said. "5 more minutes then I'll make you breakfast whatever you desire hunny"

"But baby the girls and I are hungry now" i said. "Fine...but only because I love you" he said as he kissed my forehead and got out of bed. I don't know if it was my hormones or the pregnancy but just looking at his tall frame with the tattoos on his arms and his pajama pants it turned me on immensely. "Are you horny yet?" He teased knowing I was staring at him.

"Maybe a little" i said biting my lip and smiling. He chuckled and went downstairs. I got up and went into the bathroom when I felt something warm run down my leg "Jason!" I screamed. I could hear his feet running up the stairs. "What baby what's wrong?" He asked frantically. "I think my water just broke" i said as I looked up at him.

"It's happening baby it's happening" he said smiling happily. "Jason shoes, bag, keys, car now in that order" i said as he ran and got my shoes. As he slid my shoes on my feet he smiled happily. "I'm gonna be a dad again" all giddy. Then he helped me up and held my hand going towards the stairs. "I've got you baby don't worry" He said reassuringly. I looked at him and half smiled.

In the car the contractions started. "Ugh god  I want them out it hurts" i said moaning in pain. "I know baby I know" he said rubbing my belly with one hand. "How much longer till we get to the hospital" I said gripping the arm of the seat. "About 10 minutes" Jason said. I looked at Jason and realized this is the man I wanna be with for the rest of my life no matter what.

We arrived at the hospital and Jason went inside to tell the nurses and whoever was at the front desk what was going on. 2 nurses rushed out with a wheel chair. I have to admit I was scared, nervous, and happy at the same time. I couldn't believe that I was about to be a mother to 2 beautiful little girls.

They set me up in a room and Jason was there every step of the way. Helping me through every contraction I knew that I was in love. "You 2 look like you're really in love" the nurse said. "We are I love this woman more than anything In the world" Jason said looking at me smiling. I blushed in response then another contraction hit like ton of bricks. This one was much stronger than the others.

"Sweet Jesus is it time to push yet?" i said. "You're not dilated enough" the nurse said "you're only 2 cm dilated" she said. I groaned in pain. It had already been about 6 hours and the pain was so bad that I was in tears. The only words I could think to form was get them out. Then the nurse came in to see how dilated I was and she said that it was finally time to push. Jason looked at me with love in his eyes. "Ok here we go on three, one, two, three" the nurse said and I pushed as hard as I could while squeezing Jason's hand. "They're almost here" the nurse said and I looked at Jason and smiled. "Ok one more big push" the nurse said. "One, two, three" she said and finally we heard the cries of our tiny beautiful creations.

After everything had calmed down Jason and I looked at our girls in awe I was holding Amelia and he was holding Adeline. "She's got your eyes Jason" i said smiling. "No I think she's got yours doll" He said back. Then my mom came. "Hey mom" i said smiling and she hugged me. "Congratulations so what did you name them?" She said. "Amelia and Adeline" I said. "Aww can I hold her?" She asked. "Of course mom" I gave her Ameila and she teared up. "Awww she's so beautiful" she said. "Thank you mom" I looked over and Jason was playing with Adeline's little hand and talking to her.

I knew that I was happy and content with my life. There was nothing better than this.

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