Quest with Kaeya

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"It's nice to see you again (Name) and Aether" a voice said from behind.

You turned around to see Kaeya "Ah, Captain Kaeya!" Paimon was happy to see the blue haired man again "Why hello there too Paimon" Kaeya greeted and gave Paimon a sweet smile.

"Is everyone okay? The citizens? The knights?" Aether asked, Kaeya nodded "Everyone is fine, the citizens have been evacuated to a safe place for the time being while the knights are currently taking care of some hilichurls that had tried to attack Mondstadt while Stormterror was attacking" Kaeya answered.

"Stormterror?" You asked "That's the dragon's name, or at least what we call him" Kaeya said "Come, Jean, Lisa and Amber are waiting for us at the headquarters" Kaeya instructed.


Jean sighed "This is the second time Stormterror has attacked Mondstadt, I don't know how much we can keep repairing the City until it is all gone" Jean worryingly said.

"Fortunately, we have found a way to somehow lower his abilities, there are 3 domains that hold some of the source of his strength. We will split up into teams" Jean instructs.

"Me and Jean will be together" Lisa winked.

Jean blushed but tried to hide it with her hand and tried to pretend she was mad about it.

"Me and Aether will go together" Amber happily said, Aether nodded as a sign of agreement.

"That leaves the two of us (Name)" Kaeya smirked down at you "I guess we are Captain Kaeya" you said formally "You sound like a certain someone" Kaeya chuckled.


You and Kaeya reached the domain.

Your noise twitched, reacting smell the scent of slimes inside.

"That's a nice sense of smell you have there" Kaeya complimented "There will be some slime inside judging by the smell, I hope you're prepared" you nodded.


You reached some pits that had water and spikes you wanted to get your wings out to fly through it but Kaeya had used Cryo to freeze the water "After you" he said.

You crossed through and waited for him to freeze the next one.


"So are you and Aether going back home? You've finally found each other after all" Kaeya asked.

"No, we are still missing our sister, she looks just like Aether but has shorter hair and weares a white dress" you answered while picking up some materials that you've found inside the crates and barrels.

"then i hope you find them soon, being so far from family is bad enough but without communication, it gets worse" Kaeya said. You looked towards him and saw the look on his face. 'Did Captain Kaeya lose a sibling too? I never imagined someone like him who flirts 24/7 to have that expression on his face' you thought.

You tapped his shoulder

You wanted to ask him but suddenly decided it was rude so you shook your head, he stared at you before letting it go and focus where to go.


"Finally we've broken it" Kaeya cheered.

You heard something giggling and took out your weapon "An abyss mage" Kaeya said.

Before you could do anything, you felt heat by you and something or someone attacked the abyss mage, it was Master Diluc.

"Knights of Favonius...Always so inefficient..." Diluc said "Agree to disagree. But, your involvement in this just made things a whole lot more interesting"Kaeya clapped.

You kept quiet as they bicker

"(Name) is also here so can't call US inefficient" Kaeya smirked "He is not included, you're the only one I'm referring to here" Diluc scoffed. You didn't want to be part of it so you started to walk your way out of the domain, you could hear them stop fighting and follow you out.

'I'm surprised they aren't fighting with each other as we walk out'


"Where are we heading now Aether?" you asked, you were walking towards the big statue.

"We're meeting with a certain bard there since he says he knows a way how to stop Stormterror from attacking the city" Aether explained "so how was it with Captain Kaeya (Name)?" Paimon asked "Did you do stuff?" She wiggled her eyebrows.

You chuckled.

"No we didn't do stuff Paimon and that probably won't happen ever, it was nice with him but Master Diluc came and they started bickering when we were about to be attacked by an abyss mage" you said. "An abyss mage? In the domain? Did you-" you could quickly tell Aether was worried about your well being so you cut him off "I'm okay Aether, Master Diluc quickly took care of the abyss mage" you patted his back.

Aether stopped in front of someone.

Aether stopped in front of someone

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