Become Friends

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They arrive at YU's apartment. Sam who follows behind YU is amazed by YU's apartment. YU opens the door and allows Sam in. He also gave a slipper for Sam to use. YU's apartment feel is full of gray and white colors. Very simple with minimalist furniture. Looks very simple like the owner. But it's quite extensive. There is a kitchen set, a living room and a bed spacious enough for 1 person.

"So, do you always bring someone you just know to your apartment?" Sam's teased.

YU is a little surprised by Sam's question. How could Sam think that he often took other people to the apartment? Does he look like an easy man? But he only responded with a smile.

"Aren't you afraid of me?" continued Sam.

"But, the one who should be afraid here is you. My Ex is a man. Now you're in my apartment? If you don't want to sleep here, you can get out. The exit door is there." YU teases Sam back and pointed at the door.

"I'm just kidding. Don't you feel sorry for me? I don't have a place to live right now." Sam seemed begging.

"You chose to run away from home. Why should I pity you?" YU doesn't seem to care.

"What do you want to drink?" YU opens the fridge and offers Sam a drink.

"Emm. I like to drink water."

YU took 1 bottle of mineral water and 1 can of beer for himself. After that he gave it to Sam. Sam receives a drinking bottle from YU. YU, who was still standing in front of Sam, then reached out his hand. He felt he had to introduce himself. They've met twice.

"Yang Yu Teng. You can call me YU. We haven't gotten to know each other properly, right?"

"I already know." Answer Sam casually over a drink.

"Huh? You know what?"

"Oh No. I mean.. I mean you just said it. So I know your name. Sam. Just call me Sam." Sam's trying to give a reason. Then Sam shook YU's hand. For a while, Sam felt YU's hand very small and soft. His heart is beating fast right now. What's this feeling? But soon YU pulled his hand.

"Okay." Said YU.

The atmosphere in the room is very awkward. Sam sits on the right side sofa and YU sits at the other end. They didn't say anything. YU just sat down and drank his beer. Sam is the same, he just stares at the water bottle and plays it. Then he glanced at YU. Actually Sam has a lot of questions for YU. But he held it. Suddenly when it's quiet, YU's stomach goes off. Yes. YU hasn't eaten since the afternoon. Right now he's very hungry. Sam heard the sound laughing. YU is just shy.

"Are you hungry?" asked Sam pointing at YU's stomach.

"To be honest, I haven't eaten since the afternoon." YU just smiled.

"Okay, let's order some food. I'll call the nearest restaurant that can deliver here." Sam picks up his cell phone and tries to find the nearest restaurant.

"No need. It's too late. I'll cook."

"Can you cook?"

"I'm going to cook fried rice. You don't want to eat? If you still want to eat, wait a minute." YU rushed towards the kitchen and started taking some ingredients from the refrigerator.

Sam follows YU who prepares some ingredients. Sam just saw what YU was doing. Sam sees YU opening some vegetables out of plastic, picking up rice, and peeling some onions. YU who realizes Sam just sees him is just silent. Honestly, YU is a little uncomfortable when someone sees it for too long.

"Sam, if you just look at me and don't help me, you better take a shower and clean your body. You can take soap and a new toothbrush in the bottom drawer of the bathroom." YU said while pointing the knife he was holding.

I Found You, You Found Me [END]Where stories live. Discover now