Chapter 8

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AN: Here is Chapter 8! Oh, and I asked Alexa about the dates so April 22nd, 1977 was actually a Friday. That fit perfectly with the Hogsmeade weekend everyone was talking about.*insert smiley emoji*

22nd April, 1977

Lily's POV

  I woke up this morning in my bed. Strange. When did we get to the common room? Then, once I registered everything around me, memories from last night and this morning came flooding back to me. Almost getting raped by my ex-best friend, crying in James-er,-I mean-er-Ugh, what's his surname?-oh-right-Potter. Crying in J-Potter's arms and etc, etc. 

  Oh no. What if Potter (Ha! Yes!) told his fellow Marauders' about this. I guess I wouldn't mind Remus knowing, but Peter and I aren't exactly friends and, Merlin, Black is just-well, he's-a gossiper? Whatever the word, if Sirius Black knows about this it would only be a matter of seconds before the rest of the school found out. That's super similar to Marlene 'cause she's literally the female version of Black, but I trust Marlene with my life. 

  It was Friday, meaning there were classes. At least they ended early today. I turned and looked at the time. 5:27am!!!! What the hell am I supposed to do now??? I can't sleep. I know it's not healthy to sleep only 5 hours, but there was way too much that had happened. You couldn't possibly expect me to be able to sleep properly. 

  I decided to go take a shower. I had to remove every single trace of Sna--no--Snivellous from my body. I got out of bed and lazily walked towards the bathroom door. Good thing the curtains weren't drawn or I would probably have crashed into them and woken the whole house. I opened the bathroom door and closed it gently. When I saw my reflection in the mirror, I almost screamed! I looked awful. My red hair was all over the place and my eyes were red and puffy from all the crying. I was sporting dark bags under my eyes (Curse you pale skin!) and my face was tear-stained. My nose was almost the same colour as my hair!

  I stripped down and hopped in the shower. I squealed loudly but stuffed my fist in my mouth to contain it. The squeal was because the water was freezing. I already knew that this was gonna be the worst. day. ever. Yippee!(Note the sarcasm). Slowly, the water began to change to warm, then hot. I adjusted it to what temperature I wanted. Then I grabbed Alice's pink loofah and put my strawberry body-wash on it. 

  I scrubbed, scrubbed and scrubbed everywhere Snivellous touched me. I scrubbed so hard that my skin became red. By the time an hour had passed, gone was any trace him; I thought I was finally clean. I squeezed some of my vanilla shampoo onto my hand, and some on my head, and rubbed. In a matter of seconds, my hair was completely covered in vanilla scented foam. I loved vanilla. It was my favourite flavour.(AN: It's my favourite flavour so I just made it Lily's too.) 

  When I was done, I magically dried my hair and body. I put on my white blouse and black skirt. I then put on my black, almost see-through leggings underneath. My Gryffindor tie and cloak were outside. I stepped out of the bathroom and noticed it was 7:02am. An hour and a half in the shower. That was a new record. I went to my dressing table and tied my tie. I decided on looking more like a proud Gryffindor than usual by putting on the lion locket, and earrings that Mary got me for my 15th birthday. I put on my Prefect badge and grabbed my wand. I slid my feet into my black shoes and slipped on my cloak.

Lily's look:

(Author's Note: Ignore the S.P.E.W. part. It doesn't count as Lily's look.)


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  There. Perfect. Only problem was that I still had bags under my eyes. They really stood out against my pale complexion.

"I can help with those." 

I whirled around to see who said that.

"Alice! You scared me!" I whined.

"Well, at least she isn't keeping secrets from her best friends'." Marlene said.

"Marly?" I was confused. What secrets? Did she know about Snape?

"YOU'RE SLEEPING WITH JAMES POTTER!!!" Alice, Marlene, Mary and Dorcas yelled in unison, almost as if they had practiced.

"WHAT?????!!!!!" I yelled just as loudly.


"Lily! We were all awake because we were worried about you! We were all peeking through our curtains. James carried you in-" Mary started.

With every word my cheeks were becoming red, burning red and re-e-e-ed.

"-and placed you on your bed. Then he took off your-"

When Alice said 'took off your', I probably became the reddest person on the planet. My breathing was uneven.

"-shoes and-" Alice was cut off by me.

"Oh, thank God!" I exclaimed.

"Huh?" The girls said.

"Uh, nothing. I just don't like sleeping with my shoes on. Continue please." I answered their questioning looks. 

"Well he took of your shoes and then pulled the blanket up to your chin. Probably 'cause of how cold Ally makes it at night in the summers." Dorcas supplied. Alice just smiled.

"You grabbed him and meant for him to stay." Marlene said.

My eyes went wide. 

"D-did he?" I whispered.

"Nah, he didn't. He said something along the lines of how much he wanted to but couldn't no matter how much he loved you." Marlene answered.

My eyes went even wider.

"N-no you must've heard him wrong. He can't love me. He doesn't love me." I assured myself.

"No matter how many times you tell yourself that, it's not gonna change." Mary said.

"James saved me from being assaulted by Snape." I said briefly.

"WHAT THE F*CK?" Marlene screamed.

Alice and Mary were speechless.

"I'm going to kill that slimy bitch!" Dorcas exclaimed.

"Tell us exactly what happened. Now." Alice finally said.

"Later." I said.

The girls had a mix of angry, horrified and concerned expressions.

"It's 7:50am. Breakfast." I said.

  I grabbed my bag and walked out of the dorm. I walked off the stairs only to collide into a boy.

Not again, I thought.

Only, It wasn't Potter this time. It was Black.

Author's Note: 9:22 means bedtime. See ya tomorrow. Wish me luck for a minor maths test and a literature test tomorrow.


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