Sixth Year: Chapter Twenty Eight

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Luna loved the notion of going to Slughorn's party. You weren't sure what she was wearing but didn't comment. When you got to the party, you noticed how Hermione and Ron either glared at one another or avoided each other like the plague. You decided to stay with Luna, Ginny, and Neville. If you had gone with Harry and Ron, Hermione would feel isolated. But if you went with Hermione, it would be half the Golden Quartet against the other half. You were with them a lot but they still retired to Hufflepuff at the end of the day. You were going to have to tell Harry that he needed to be a mediator between the two of them because watching your friends fight was never pleasant. Instead, you talked with faculty. It felt a bit weird to have them discuss your class. Apparently the students couldn't help but talk about it outside of your classroom.

McGonagall was excited that she had a dozen third years interested in becoming Anamagi because you said that understanding how to transfigure yourself would give you a greater appreciation of Alchemy. Even if they all failed, she went from having zero students interested to a bunch and that brought her excitement. You both were gossiping over what Animagus you thought fit which student when Filch entered with Draco protesting loudly. You tipped back your pumpkin juice, looking away in embarrassment.

Despite being brilliant at Potions, Slughorn never invited your cousin to join the Slug Club. You suspected that it was because Lucius Malfoy was currently in Azkaban and somehow Draco was being punished for it. That suspicion was practically confirmed when you suggested that Slughorn invite him and he told you that you were letting your bias cloud judgement on brilliant potioneers— you had to blink in shock at the nerve of him to say that when he was nothing but biased. Luna dragged you to speak with Professor Trelawney so all you could do was shoot your cousin a sympathetic look as he was whisked away by Snape.

Harry saw your back turned as you were engaged in conversation with Trelawney and Luna. He considered tapping you on the back but thought against it. Malfoy was still suspicious to him but he needed to prove it before ever bringing it up to you. Dumbledore had told him to bring his Invisibility Cloak with him everywhere, even in Hogwarts. He pulled the shrunken cloth out of his pocket and made it regular size again, following behind Snape and Malfoy. Harry listened intently, pressing his head against the door of the empty classroom.

He knew what he heard. And when you found him at the party again, he seemed distant. He let you lead him back to Gryffindor because you were tired of partying. You kissed him goodnight and left to go back to your room, oblivious to the new problem Harry faced. He needed proof you could see. And he needed to figure out how to let you down gently because you would be devastated knowing the truth about Malfoy. He hadn't figured it out and still hadn't when you all reached the Burrow for holiday break and he was talking to Ron in the kitchen about it. He and Ron were coming up with ways to find irrefutable proof before you finished having Christmas at Grimmauld Place and came over.Hermione was going to be the only one not coming this year. Lavender Brown and Ron becoming a couple only made her more upset and she chose to be with her family for Christmas instead.

"You said you asked Dobby to follow Malfoy?" Ron asked.

"Yeah, he keeps disappearing into the Room of Requirement. I asked it to show me what it found. There's a large cabinet in there."

"A cabinet's hardly proof of being a Death Eater, mate."

"I know."

There was knocking on the door and Mrs. Weasley requested that Ron get it— yelling for him to remember the safety procedures and secret codes the Ministry was suggesting all wizarding houses start to use.

"Who is it?" Ron asked.

"Remus Lupin."

"And (Y/N) Black!" you said with enthusiasm before giggling.

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