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Ok so I feel like c!Tommy is one of those people who even if he did "go off the deep end" and yk end up going insane like c!Wilbur or something like that he wouldn't really go full out

I mean sure he would blow stuff up murder some people and get revenge in others stuff like that but he wouldn't do what he truly wants to do and that's where the HC comes in

My HC is that Tommy is one of those people who talks shit about you lightly and says he will beat you and he's strong and stuff and people take it as a joke when in reality he has come up with a very intricate and detailed plan to take down all the people who wronged him and those who helped the ones who wronged him

Like he dosent care if you yourself harmed him if you even assisted then your automatically on the murder list

However he would still hold back all the horrible things that he wants to do to those people that would make even the blade go "wtf?!"

However he would make some acceptions those acceptions being purpled, tubbo, and ranboo and Michale (ofc🙄✋)

He would tell them before he destroyed everything and if they chose to stay he would do them or their houses no harm if they chose to leave but wanted to come back he would do their houses no harm and tell them when he was done if they chose to leave permanently he would visit them and if they where ok with it he would blow up their homes

But honestly I feel like he's just one of those people who stores all his anger and true rage inside him and even when he snapped he would still hold back because he once loved and cared for these people and he still does so he wouldn't let it all truly out he would hold back simply out of pitty

Pitty for the people who he trusted, pitty for the people he once loved, pitty for the family he once adored, pitty for the people who he thought he could trust with his deepest problems only to find that they had turned against him, he shows pitty for these people because when he looks at them he still sees the people he loved and cared for no matter what he does he can't not see them

And for that reasone he truly hates them because they where able to play him so easily that he can't even look at them and believe that they did what they did so he would hold back out of pitty for the people that they where not the people they are now

(Hi sorry ik it's not very good I wrote this really fast in the car I get car sick easy so sorry again I might remake this so it's not ass messy and dosent repeat so much☺️)

(~ ̄³ ̄)~Drink waterrr~

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