chapter five

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"You would think that you would have believed me because of how long we've known each other but things change, I guess."

narrator pov <3



LUCIANA WOKE UP to Sarah not being there. She wasn't in the same position they had fell asleep. Luciana got up from the couch and looked around trying to see if she could spot her friend, but the blonde was nowhere to be found.

She went into the kitchen where there was a note next to her mothers:

I went to go pick up the snacks we left on the boat. I'll be back soon.
Sarah <3

She put the note down and went to the fridge. She cracked some eggs and fried them in a pan, while bacon was in the air-fryer. Luciana made enough for her and Sarah to eat, but as she was finishing up the eggs, Sarah entered the house.

"Hey Sarah. I made breakfast for both of us--"

"How could you?" She asked.

"What? What are you--"

"You told my dad about John B stealing scuba gear?" She questioned me.

"What? No! Sarah, I told him I wouldn't." Luciana told her.

Sarah looked down and played with her fingers mumbling something.

"Oh my gosh. You don't believe me, do you?" Luci was in shock.

"Well you've never been really nice, you always kind of been stuck up and you definitely haven't been the kindest." The blonde mutters.

"Are you fucking serious, Sarah? You're believing a boy you met a few days ago instead of you're best friend since birth? Really?" Luci started to raise her voice.

"You aren't a nice person Luci!" She complained.

"Wow." Luci said as she started to tear up.

"I don't think I should be here.." Sarah mumbled.

Luciana's tears started to fall down as she swallowed the lump in her throat. "Okay.."

"I think we should take a break.. a long one." Sarah mumbled again.

Luci was just shocked and watched her blonde friend walk out the door. She collapsed on the floor and just cried. Sarah and her never got into fights, nor arguments. They were always the best of friends and were always nice and supportive.

Luci had sobbed her way to sleep.

Sarah put her code into the door. The Sanchez's had given her, her own code so she could enter the house whenever she wanted. The door unlocked as she walked in leading the two boys who were trailing behind her to the living room. Once Sarah noticed the brown haired girl laying on the couch with that certain blanket, she knew she had done something really bad.

"Why the hell do you have your own code?" JJ asks as Sarah shushed him.

"Hey, I don't think Luciana's parents would be happy if an ex-employee of the Cameron's was bleeding all over their house." John B says.

"Shh. Then don't bleed." Sarah whispered walking into the living room.

"Shit." She mumbled under her breath but John B and JJ still heard it.

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