~🥧It's A First Time For Everything 🥧~

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Things used in this story :
Y/e/c ~ your eye colour
Y/n~your name
I went to next door to see who just moved in and too help out with the boxes. I was greeted with a warm smile and gorgeous y/e/c eyes.
"come on in" you say confused
"thank u" I said with a smile
"I heard u just moved in" I say
"yh I inherited this house from my grandfather, I thought I'd check it out for the summer" u say
"ur his granddaughter I'm so sorry for ur lose" I say
"how did u know him" u say
"we were great friends he loved Baking every autumn we cook up a delicious pumpkin pie"
"OMG I remember that pie it's the best I've ever had, he'd always come home with a huge smile smelling like warmth with a smell exists like that"
"well I'd be glad to cook it with u to show u how to make it so u can make it a legacy"
"that would be perfect" u say trying to keep the tears from coming down

~I helped her open boxes and move furniture and help out~



I hopped out of bed so excited to see (y/N) for our first date.

I ran to my wardrobe and put on my blouse and blue skirt.

I went to my sink to clean my hands when I saw y/n starring at me through the window

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I went to my sink to clean my hands when I saw y/n starring at me through the window. As I smirked at u caught the gist that I saw u starring and ran for ur life. I giggled to myself quietly taking in the feeling of happiness.

I grabbed my sun hat that was on the hook and excitedly woddled to ur house. U saw me in the window and looked at ur self in the mirror as u gave ur self a pep talk and got ur self together.

U opened the door and we both starred at each other in amazement. Finally I got the courage to say..

"Well why don't we go to the field past the willow it's beautiful I'm sure ull like it! "
U nod awkwardly trying to break the nott in ur throat.

We just passed the willow when our fingers grazed each others, we both jumped back and looked at each other as I put ur hair behind ur ear teasing u and kept on walking.

We arrived at the field, I turned around to see ur face. U were so surprised and amazed of the view and the flowers as I smiled at ur beauty.
I grabbed ur hand and ran with u behind me dodging the flowers.

We kept giggling as we were running feeling so free in the wind

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We kept giggling as we were running feeling so free in the wind. I stopped and u looked at me confused. I put my hand on ur check holding ur face as I leaned in to kiss her beautiful and soft lips. I broke the kiss to soak in ur ur eyes ,u were blushing so much u looked like a strawberry.

I looked down in embarrassment as u lifted my chin up and kissed me in return. As I smiled into the kiss, I felt all my worries go away. We broke off our kiss for air and we continued walking holding hands.

I bent down to pick some flowers from the ground, then u did the same. We found a bench near a blossom tree and sat down as I scooched closer. U nudged me into u as we got comfy.

U got an amazing idea too make the flowers into flower crowns. As I turned around and u braided my hair and put the flowers into the braids and made a flower crown to go on top.

"u look beautiful" u said starring at my lips.

We started to head back home as it was sunset and we decided to come to my house for dinner

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We started to head back home as it was sunset and we decided to come to my house for dinner..

We got home and I put my sun hat back in the hook. I cooked some chicken and mushroom soup with the foraged mushrooms I found yesterday. And made some hot chocolate.

U insisted that u help me with baking the pudding, I finally gave in and accepted my defeat.

"what's for dessert" u asked intrigued
"pumpkin pie" I said with a half smile looking into ur eyes as u started to tear up.
I dragged u into an embrace feeling sorry for our lose. U cryed into my shoulder while whispering into my ear..

"ur the best person I could ever have, I love u so much"
I pulled away and kissed her on the cheek kissing the tears away.

We baked the delicious pie and sat down and ate our dinner. As we finished I said..

"go to my wardrobe I'm sure u can find something warm in there to wear" u were a bit confused but did it any way. As I cleaned the dishes.

 As I cleaned the dishes

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(ur outfit)

U came out of my room all cozy and warm as u wrapped ur arms around my waist as I cleaned the last dish. U picked me up onto the counter and asked why ur dressed in this warm outfit. I didn't answer and I shook my head and jumped into ur arms as u put me down.

"stay here I'm gonna go get dressed" I said my eyes fixed on urs

"stay here I'm gonna go get dressed" I said my eyes fixed on urs

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(my outfit)

As I walked out u came for a hug with open arms and I ran into ur arms.

"come on let's go" I said igerly
I dragged ur arm into the front garden and we lyed down on the grass admiring the stars and spotting the constilations.

And that was our famous love story of how pumpkin pie brought 2 girls in love.. 🎃🥧

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