~📖💕Maybe My Book Love Story Is Coming True📖💕~

52 4 5

Main character ~ Angle
Loveee interest ~ Acre
Request by~ daisiheaven
________Have fun reading _______

I suddenly had the urge to go to the library. So I grabbed my tote bag and put on my cardigan from my wardrobe and headed out.

 So I grabbed my tote bag and put on my cardigan from my wardrobe and headed out

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(my outfit)

The library was in town so I decided to go by bike..

The library was in town so I decided to go by bike

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(the bike, sorry for all the pictures)

After I arrived into town, I parked my bike next to the royal, Bright, red post box and went inside.

Like always I went to the YA section and then the fantasy and of course the booktok section. No of them really struck my interest so I went for a wonder through the book shelves. As I lightly grazed my finger along the hard books I found my self drawn to this one in particular book, it had green fabric on the sides and front of the book, it was sturdy and old, I could tell that it had a past and I desperately wanted to know about it.

As I was about to pick up the book, I was met with a small, soft hand lightly touching mine. I looked up to see who the owner of the hand was. She was beautiful like the moon and stars had blessed her, she had freckles doted on her face like a paint brush had tapped her on the cheek, her hair was brown but in the sun light through the window her hair turned red like a chestnut.

"I'm sorry where you going to grab this book" she asked curiously

"yeah sorry, but if u want it u can have it" I said stuttering like a nervous wreck.

"you have good taste in book, Anne of green gable, on of my favourites I love how the side of the book doesn't tell u the name, meaning who ever picks up the book wants an adventure and is very curious." she said softly

"have u read the book before?" I asked wondering how she knew the name of the book.


"then how did u know the name" I asked honestly.

"theres only 5 ever created, I found one copy in my grand farthers library, he loved to read I never saw him with out a book in his hand"

"this must be rare then,"

"incredibly, ur a special person to find such a book out of luck."

"I wouldn't say luck I'd say fate, if I hadn't spotted the book I wouldn't have met u."

"I'd still say ur lucky not many people get to talk to me it's like their blinded by my beauty, but u- wait what's ur name I never caught it?"

"angel, my names Angle. What's urs ?"

"acre, u have a beautiful name"

"well I better get going it's getting dark."

"personally I love the dark its so peaceful and quiet. Why don't u come to my house I think ull love his libary."


Hi hope u liked if u did plsss vote, and if u want a part 222 pls tell me.
(Lol ill still do a part 2 lol)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2021 ⏰

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