Sparks Fly with Light

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Aliya POV
Today was morning rush at my house. Mom needed to be at a meeting to discuss another movie and Dad's gonna drop by to see grandma and grandpa. More like a breakfast bunch. Many nerves were building up for me. This assignment I'm working on with Kendall is wrecking my nerves. Myself cannot be nervous over a guy I like coming over. Ok, we all know it's a lie. Daniel drove me and Paris to school which made Lauren happier. We closed his doors as he rolled down his window. A group of girls smiled, waving. He smiled dashingly and waved back. Paris chuckled. I rolled my eyes. "Have a good day girls! I'll pick you up later." He said. I waved while he drove off. We came in the building and caught up to Tori near her locker. "Hey T!" I said, smiling. She returned the gesture. "Hey! Excited for these duets? I'm thinking we could do a piano version PK." She said. Paris nodded. "Cool! Please be calm if you see my father and stepmom." She begged. I laughed. Tori inhaled a deep breath. "I'll try!" She breathed. Two girls with dark hair and blue highlights and red hair walked up to us. Hint; Cat and Jade. Cat smiled happily. "Hi! I'm real excited for the duets! I worked on the real version with Carlos. He's so sweet!" She said. Paris giggled. "Sweet huh?" She mumbled. Out of nowhere, a pair of hands covered my face.
Who is that? I was confused. "Who are you?" I asked. The girls couldn't contain their laughter. Jade hummed in response. "Kendall." She simply said. Wait, what? His hands left my face and I turned around. Those green eyes made my knees weak. I smiled widely. "Hey!" I said. He returned the gesture. "Hey, great to see you." He said. "Excited for the duets?" I asked. Kendall almost spoke until Paris did. "Duets? I'm excited about my first Disney play!" She squealed. We looked at her weirdly. She smiled sheepishly. "Sorry, I'm really stoked about the auditions." She said. Tori chuckled, closing her locker. Beck walked up with a frustrating sigh. "James is driving me crazy. Not to mention pissing me off." He said, growling at the last part. Jade sighed. "Can't you try something different?" She asked. He shrugged. Kendall smiled. "How about Under the Sea? It's a one male version but you can make it two male versions." He suggested. Beck smiled, snapping his fingers. "That's great! Thanks man!" He said. Paris smirked. "Hopefully James doesn't steal most of your solos." She joked. Cat giggled. Jade fake smiled. "Not if he drowns underwater." She said sarcastically. Tori and Paris rolled their eyes. The bell finally rung for music hour. We exchanged our utensils and closed our lockers before heading to first period.

In the classroom, me and Kendall were practicing our duet. He was strumming his guitar while I basically went over the lyrics on my notebook. The first verse is my part so I readied myself and inhaled a deep breath. "I believe the first chorus is my part. Yours come as the second verse." I told him. He nodded, looking up. "Ok! Let's try the guitarist version." He said. I scoffed and fake smiled. "Who's the guitarist?" I teased. Kendall smiled innocently. "Me of course. Of all the guys, I'm the guitarist of the group." He said. I criss-crossed my legs and set the notebook on my lap. "It's a shame we're doing this here than at my house." I said. He smirked deviously. "Why? Would it count as a date?" He teased. I playfully rolled my eyes. "Whatever, Knight.
As we discussed earlier this week, this wasn't called a date." I sassed. He hummed in response. "Whatever you say, Walker." He muttered. I inhaled a deep breath and cleared my throat. "Alright. Let's start from the top." I said. Kendall nodded, readying himself as I readied myself. I smiled as he began strumming. He returned the gesture.

Aliya: all those days
Watching from the windows
All those years outside looking in
All that time, never even knowing just how blind I've been
Now I'm here
Blinking in the starlight
Now I'm here, suddenly I see
Standing here is far so clear
I'm where I'm meant to be

He suddenly stopped after I sung. I looked at him confusedly. "Everything ok?" I asked. He smiled warmly. "Very great. Beautiful." He whispered. My cheeks burned red. I looked down and giggled. "I'm thinking we could finish at your house like you said." He said. I raised an eyebrow. "Really? We could finish now. Maybe soon because we have the whole hour of class." I said. Kendall smiled. "I'll feel more inspiration once we get to your house. If we continue here, our friends might think...something's going on." He said, whispering the last part. Hm. He is kinda right. I honestly wouldn't take all the smirks and stares from a few classmates. I inhaled a deep breath. "Ok. First I'd like for you to start your verse of the song real quick." I told him. He nodded, re-reading his written verse. "Alright. I'm ready." He whispered. I waited patiently as he began strumming and started singing.

Kendall: All those days
chasing down a daydream
All those years living in a blur
All that time, never truly seeing things the way they were
Now she's here, shining in the starlight
Now she's here, suddenly I know
If she's here, it's crystal clear
I'm where I'm meant to go

The whole time I watched admirably and felt huge butterflies in my stomach. My cheeks was hotter like a tomato. If this was a play, we'd totally earn the roles of Rapunzel and Flynn. He stopped and looked up. "How's that?" He asked, smiling. I returned the gesture. "Great. I see you channeled your Flynn Rider." I slightly joked. He chuckled and playfully poked my nose. "And you channeled your Rapunzel...except the magic golden hair." He joked. We laughed more. Our eyes interlocked for a minute and saw those green gem of eyes. Unknowingly, we almost leaned closer until "Hey guys!" A voice called. We jumped, parting. I realized the voice came from Cat. Our jaws dropped at her new attire.

Her hair wasn't even a wig since she already have red hair

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Her hair wasn't even a wig since she already have red hair. Cat smiled happily. "Look! I'm Ariel!" She said, twirling around. I sighed. "We can see that." I said in a obvious tone. Kendall shrugged. "Any reason why?" He asked. She giggled and brushed her hair with the fork. "I'll be wearing it for me and Carlos's duet on Friday! Ms. Oh said I could have inspiration for bringing Ariel to life through clothes and music." She told us. We nodded in understanding. For once, she actually said something that makes sense. I smiled. "That's good Cat. Now we're in the middle of practicing our song for Friday..." I trailed off. She smiled sweetly. "One day I'll be part of your conversation!" She sing-songed. Once she walked away, we laughed more. Kendall chuckled. "Ok. That was actually good." He said. I smirked. "Or her and Carlos look good." I teased but in a serious tone. He stared at me in disbelief. "What? Really? Seriously? No way!" He said. I laughed and shrugged. "It could happen." I said. He hummed in response. "We'll see." He muttered. I nodded. He sighed. "Now for the chorus." He said. We readied ourselves before Kendall could strum the guitar until...

Carlos smiled widely. "Ok Cat! From the top!" He told her. She squealed happily as he pressed the piano keys. "I wish I could be part of your world, what would I give to live out of these waters?" They sung beautifully. Tori and Paris cleared their throats before belting out their voices. "Let it go, let it go, I'm the one with the wind and sky. Let it go, let it go, you'll never see me cry. I don't care what they're going to say." They sung.

I looked back at Kendall weirdly. "Ok. We'll do my house later." I told him. He nodded in agreement and took off the guitar strap.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2023 ⏰

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