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So this is it.

Jungkook watches with bated breath and a pang in his heart as Taehyung's fingers slowly wrap around the gun. The room is deathly quiet until Jimin speaks up.

"So that's... i-it? You're going to toss out everything you've ever done for us? Forget abo-"


The pinkette sits in shock, his cheek blazing with an angry sting.

"I fucking warned you, bitch. Doesn't look like you learned a damn thing." Hongjoong crouches down to Jimin's level, one corner of his lips pulled up in a taunting sneer. "You're lucky I want to watch Taehyung and Jeon. San will take you back." The leader snaps his fingers and one of his men stands. "You know what to do. This time, do it worse."

"N-No! Please!" Jimin is hoisted up as he thrashes about, trying desperately to make eye contact with Taehyung. "I called you my brother! I loved you like one!"

The younger male doesn't look at him or the tears rolling down his cheeks.

Once Jimin's voice is no longer audible, Hongjoong stands once again, looking over at Jungkook. "Fucking whiny bitch. He won't last the night."

Jungkook doesn't miss the way Taehyung's hand twitches.

"Go ahead, Taehyung. Kill him."

Taehyung finally meets Jungkook's doe eyes. The younger feels his breath hitch in his throat when he notices the void behind Taehyung's eyes. He really is a monster.

The gun is raised and aimed straight at Jungkook standing a mere few feet away. His heart hammered in his chest, the adrenaline too powerful for him to feel his nails digging harshly into his palms. Jungkook's mind races with desperation, searching for anything to get through to the older male.

Taehyung cocks the gun.

With a sharp inhale through his teeth, Jungkook makes an absolute last ditch effort to at least delay his fate.

"Abraham DeLacy."

In any other circumstance, Jungkook would have blushed profusely from the embarrassment the random statement brought him. Instead, he maintains even eye contact with Taehyung. He doesn't show a reaction when the older man's eyes soften. He instead continues.

"Giuseppe Casey."

"Excuse me?" Hongjoong laughs, his arms crossed over his chest. Neither man pays any mind to the mafia leader, nor do they break eye contact with each other.

"Thomas O'Malley."

Taehyung continues the phrase along with Jungkook; the younger's heart beats with hope. I'm getting through to him. With a developing smile, he says the last phrase.

"O'Malley th-"


Taehyung's ears ring with the sudden loud crack of the gun. He faintly hears the shouts of the men around him, too stunned to process what he is seeing.

I didn't shoot that bullet.

"HONGJOONG!" A voice bellows, someone pushing past Taehyung and rushing toward the mafia leader.

"Namjoon?" Taehyung hears himself call out, seeing Bangtan's leader grabbing Hongjoong's collar and forcing him against the wall. Taehyung sees his moment and leaps up and grabs Jungkook's hand. The boy is equally as stunned as him.

"What the hell are you doing?!"

"Saving your ass!"

"I'm not going with you!"

"Excuse me?"

Taehyung watches as Jungkook yanks his hand away. "How do you expect me to trust you? You were going to kill me!"

In desperation, Taehyung tries to find a way to convince Jungkook to leave with him, looking around. His eyes land on Namjoon interrogating Hongjoong, the stronger of the two not noticing Hongjoong moving his arm. Taehyung sees a gun in the leader's hand, slowly being aimed at Jungkook. In a flash, Taehyung shoves Jungkook to the side. His timing couldn't have been better. With the force of the push, Jungkook stumbles and falls onto the ground, narrowly missing the bullet that finds its home in Taehyung's side. With a loud cry, the injured clutches the side of his ribs, the blood seeping between his fingers. Everything is too loud, too bright; a splitting headache distracts Taehyung from the environment around him. Fuck.

Taehyung passes out.

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