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"WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO?!" A voice screams, barreling through the open bedroom door and grabbing Jungkook by the collar. "WHAT DID YOU DO WITH HIM?! WHERE IS HE?!"

"Yoongi hyung, what the fuck?!" Taehyung races into the room, prying Yoongi's grip off of Jungkook's shoulders. That's gonna leave bruises.

"I know you did something! Where the hell is he?!"

"I don't know what or even who the hell you're talking about!" Jungkook raises his voice back at the older.

Taehyung's hold around Yoongi's wrists tightens as he feels the older begin an attempt at slapping Jungkook.

"Jimin! You fucking took him! I KNEW we shouldn't have taken you in! We should've left you to die, just like your parents!"

Jungkook's jaw clenches in response; he doesn't flinch, nor does he make any sort of physical advancement towards the older. He watches him sharply pull back his arms in an effort to yank them from Taehyung's grip while jerking his shoulders this way and that.

"Hyung, seriously, shut the fuck up! Listen to what he has to say. And stop squirming!"

Yoongi sighs in anger as he lets his arms become limp, but Taehyung doesn't let go of them right away. He keeps a fair grip on the other's wrists.

"I have no idea what the fuck just happened." Jungkook breathes, completely dumbfounded at Yoongi's sudden outburst.

"He passed out in Joonie's office hours ago and he's been asleep since; I came in here 10 minutes before he woke." Seokjin explains to an infuriated Yoongi. "There's no way Jungkook could've done something."

"Then why is he missing?!"

No one speaks a word; even Taehyung is silent. Yoongi grunts in frustration due to the lack of a response and rips his arms from Taehyung's grip before making his way out of the room and down the hallway. Seokjin begins a count down from five to zero but is interrupted before he gets to three.

"It's really serious."

"You didn't even get to three."


Jungkook quietly follows Seokjin into a dining room containing a single table with chairs for six habitants. He slides into the only available seat while avoiding a nasty glare from Yoongi. Once seated, the boy glances around the room. The rectangular mahogany table sits in the middle of a simple dining room lit solely by a mini chandelier-style light hanging above the table. The only light in the room comes from those four lightbulbs, prompting Jungkook to notice a peculiar detail of the walls. No windows. Natural light does not exist in this room; it casts a ghostly shadow on each members' face, seemingly revealing their own shadowed secrets. He can see the tired lines of Namjoon's face, the unexpected puffiness of Yoongi's eyes, and the worry creases that cut into Seokjin's tired expression.

"I'm sure you are all aware of Jimin's absence." Namjoon speaks as he plants his elbows on the table, keeping his hands raised and interwoven while supporting his chin.

"It's the kid's fault he's gone in the first place." Yoongi growls as he picks up something on the ground, swinging it around to reveal an alcohol bottle before taking a sip.

"Yoongi, I know you're upset, but please don't make rash decisions. It won't benefit anyone."

A sudden slam accompanying a screech causes Jungkook to jump out of his skin, his heart racing as his eyes dart around the room to find the source of the noise. He is met with the end of a glass bottle being pointed in his direction, seeing Yoongi standing with his palm flat against the table, not even noticing Taehyung's arm protectively planted on his own shoulder.


"YOONGI!" Namjoon and his fiancé shout simultaneously, the leader standing up and pushing his chair back in the process. The two men stare at each other in silence before Yoongi shrinks back down, pulling his chair back to him. He leans back and kicks his feet up onto the table, keeping his lips pressed against the mouth of his drink.

"Feet off th-"

"Fuck you." Yoongi cuts Seokjin off, taking a long swig of the alcohol in his hand. "I don't give a shit."

Namjoon lets out a small sigh at Yoongi's childish antics as he sits back in his seat.

"As I said... Jimin is absent. We don't know where he is or when he lef-"

"He was fucking kidnapped!"

"Shut your goddamn mouth before you are excused from this meeting. Control yourself!"

Without another word, Yoongi places his feet on the edge of the table and pushes backwards. The members cringe at the nails-on-chalkboard sound the chair legs produce while Yoongi begins to make his way to the door; with a slam, the door shuts. Namjoon stares down at the table with a sigh as Jungkook flinches at the sudden bang. The force of the slam is enough to cause the lightbulbs to flicker before eventually one goes completely out.

"Now," Namjoon cuts through the silence as Jungkook feels Taehyung's reassuring hand once again on his shoulder. "Jimin."

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