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10 | Dark Island

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10 | Dark Island

Kya's heart was rapidly in her chest. She could hear the sound of it pounding, it ringing in her ears. They were getting closer and closer to Dark Island and each minute that passed was minute closer to them meeting their greatest fears. Her hair flowing past her, the tie holding it back loosening it's hold.

She glanced back, her gaze locking itself with Caspian's. He also had a nervous look on his face, but he was better at hiding it. It was eyes though, his eyes have his emotions away. Kya tried her best to give him somewhat of an encouraging smile before turning away from him.

Her hair had finally got loose, the tie blowing away, not faxing Kya in the slightest. She had much bigger problems approaching her.

The crew crowded around around Caspian as he stood quarter deck. The green light of the island crackled form behind the dark fog and clouds surrounding it. It seemed much more frightening from up close.

"No matter what happens here," the voice of Caspian spoke up. Kya turned back, walking towards the crowd surrounding the King. "every soul who stands before me has earned their place on the crew of the Dawn Treader." He said, his eyes roaming the people in front of him. "Together we have travelled far. Together we have faced adversity. Together we can do it again."

His gaze lingered on Kya, he could see the fear watering in her eyes. Kya once again tried to give Caspian another encouraging smile, this time it coming easier than the last.

Caspian turned back to the rest of the crowd as he continued to speak. "So now is not the time to fall to fear's temptations. Be strong. Never give in. Our world — our Narnian lives — depend on it." Before Kya knew it she felt the tears watering in her eyes slowly start to fall. "Think of the the lost souls we're here to save. Think of Aslan. Think of Narnia."

As Caspian began to step down, a crew member had cried out, "For Narnia!" Soon enough more exclamations of the same words followed. The sound of their daring shouts taking over the fear filled air.

Kya and Caspian's eyes locked once more, he strides over to her quickly. His arm immediately wrapping around her waist pulling her into a searing, kiss. Her arms wrapping around him out of instinct. As Caspian removed his lips from Kya's he rested his forehead against hers.

"Just in case." He muttered, only for her to hear.

She reached up running her fingers through his long fake hair. Kya noticed the tears glimmering in his eyes, he was scared. She pressed light kissed onto his lips before glancing back up to him. "You'll be able to do that again. I promise you. This won't be the last time."

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