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- no, that's prohibited son.
- why is not prohibited for other angels in heaven, is it prohibited for Namjoon and Seokjin also or is just for me?
- you are going to listen to me, that's your duty, you don't want to fall from grace.
- but yet you have me here being the guardian angel of a fallen one that used to be in love with me.
- yes because I don't want Yoongi to hurt her, because he knows who she is, if he gets his hands on her it won't be good.
- I want out of this, because if you insist on keeping me here around her it won't end up well for me either, every day that I pass by her side it gets harder not to give into the temptation, her touch is addictive, I want more, that's what you want to happen?
- you are strong I know that you can fight it and do your job.
- whatever father keep thinking that, your son might not be as strong as he seems.
- shut up, insolent just do as I say for her sakes.
- are you threatening me father?
- take it as a warning Jungkook.

- are you threatening me father?- take it as a warning Jungkook

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- arghh.
Jungkook didn't know what to do he felt torn in half, like being in a tug war between his father and whatever feelings he was developing for y/n.
- Jungkook, are you ok?
- no, I'm not ok!!!
He spat flying off.
- what the hell just happened?
She said while staring at him fly away from her.
- Kookie where did you go, what did I do?, I'm sorry.
She sat down not even knowing if she had done or said something wrong.
- is not her fault, I shouldn't be take it out on her.
- don't leave her alone for too long Yoongi could get his hands on her and hurt her, she doesn't have powers anymore like she used to, one hit from Yoongi and she is dead.
- nooooooooooo!!!!!
Jungkook's roar was heard all over the forest, it was a roaring of pain, confusion, anger, why was destiny so cruel to them?
He needed to forget about everything but the fact that he needed to protect her, not having another choice he went back without letting her know, he couldn't bare anymore being around her, not being able to touch her, hold her in his arms, all the memories from when they were young ones, were flowing in his mind like a river, that they that he had witnessed his father banning y/n and her parents to a cruel destiny, it hurt so bad it burn his soul and his mind.
- Kookie where did you go?, I'm going to bed then, good night.

She stood up to get back down forgetting that it was Jungkook who helped her to get up on the roof.
- now what?, you left me now I have no idea how to get down from here Kook.
She moved one bit, but her foot slipped.
- ahhhh!!!
She felt a pair of arms wrapped around her.
- aigoo, are you ok little one?, I'm sorry for leaving you like that.
- some moments I really hate you, you know?
- don't say that, that hurts.
- my heart almost stopped beating just now Jungkook.
- you know I got you little one.
- why did you took off like a maniac?
- there is a lot going on, is hard to understand.
- maybe if you ask me I can help you, I mighty not know everything but I know a little.
- I know little one, I'm sure you know a lot, you are really smart.
He held her flying in the room.
- there you are, now I'm off.
- wait, why are you leaving?
- are you going to get changed?
- yes, I need to shower and...
- well that's my cue to go.
- can you come back when I finish?
- why, don't you need some rest young one?
- please don't behave like my father because it doesn't suit you.
Jungkook laughed his butt off.
- I tell you what, since you want to keep me around even though you need some rest, I'll comeback when you finish washing up, I'm taking you somewhere.
- ok, I'll hurry up then.
- ok, just let me know.
- I will.
He stepped out of sitting on the roof as usual to wait for her.

- she is killing me and I'm not even alive

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- she is killing me and I'm not even alive.
He said throwing his head back.
- what's the matter Jungkookie, the proximity to her is making your walls crumble?
- get out of here Yoongi you don't know what I'm thinking in the slightest.
- that's why you have to leave the room whenever she washes up?
- leave her alone.
- you should take a peek, she is naked after all.
- I told you to take your disgusting self away from here.
- maybe I should take a peek.
- don't you dare violate her privacy.
- well your father was the one to sent her out in the world by herself, just because she had the audacity to fall in love with his precious son.
- don't remind me I'm already upset with him because of that.
- well, why are you stopping yourself from loving her?
- because is not right.
- says who, the same one that has three sons, where you just spit out through his mouth?
- shut up, get out of here.
- or what, you will call your brothers to come to the rescue, why don't you stick up for yourself, are you scared of fighting me pretty boy?
- (growl)
- Kookie, I'm ready.
- coming little one.
- don't stop watching your back, because I got my greedy ass on her, maybe I'll make her my bitch.
- yah, watch your nasty mouth, keep her out of your nasty thoughts and comments.
- why, are you afraid that she might like it rough?
- arghhh...
Jungkook launched himself towards Yoongi but he disappeared.
- (maniac laugh).
- I'll pulverize you if you dare lay one of your nasty hands on her.
- Kookie, I'm ready.
He got back inside the room.
- ready beautiful?
She noticed a tear running down his cheek, she reached to dry it, his hand reached for hers, bringing it to his lips.
- are you ok Kookie?
- yes, little one let's go.
She brought her hand to his cheek.
- come on before it gets too late.
- let me hold you...
She asked, he look into her eyes, those same eyes that told him that she loved him before she was stripped of everything, powers, immortality, making her just a normal human.
- can I?
- yes, you can.
She moved closer slowly, not even knowing how to approach to hug him, the awkwardness.
- what in the world?
He said grabbing her hands throwing them over his shoulders pulling her closer to him, he didn't care his arms wrapped around her too.
She felt how her body heated up like it had been lit up on fire.
- this feels so good.
She thought with a smile painted on her lips.
- why are you smiling so hard, hmmm?
- this feels nice.
- yes it does.
She pulled back finally, feeling her body getting cold as soon as he pulled back.
- shall we little one?
- yes, where are we going?
- is a surprise but we need to fly, are you up for that?
- flying is the only way to get there?
- yes... would you be to scared?
- would you hold me?
- of course, I mean you can't fly, so I have to hold you.
- I'll be fine.
- you weren't fine the last time.
- that was you flapping your wings lifting me up, that was an awful experience.
- well let's get it then.
He held her by the waist, flapping his wings their feet lifted off the ground.
- are you alright little one?
- yes I am.
- I should have put you on my back, it's probably more comfortable.
- you can do that when we head back.
- smart girl.
They soared the night sky for a few minutes, until he finally landed on the tallest mountain.

They soared the night sky for a few minutes, until he finally landed on the tallest mountain

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- oh my goodness Kookie, it looks even better from up here.
- that's why I brought you here since you like all this water so much.
- I do, is so peaceful, so calm up here even though the water is falling from the edge really hard, making so much noise.
- you are right little one.
- are you in charge of something specific as an angel?
- me, no we are not those kind of angels.

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