Chapter 5

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A New Tune of Love

A Percabeth story

Chapter 5

Disclaimer: I don't own any of these character in this story. They belong to Rick Riordan. I also don't own any of the songs that is in the story.

Annabeth's POV

Once the song ended we were laughing so hard. Then I remember something. "You guys promise you won't think of me differently when you see my house." I asked them seriously

I think they were taking back by my promise. I don't live on the floor above the restaurant. I also work there to help out Chiron. I also have a step brother who was also taken in by Chiron. He's taking college classes on line but is running the restaurant. His name is Malcom. He was 20 and has blonde hair and blue eyes.

We pulled up to the restaurant and I lead them inside. I told them to stay put while I got Malcom.

I walked into the kitchen and yelled for him. A second later I saw a flash of blonde coming towards me.

"Hey Annabeth. How was school?" he asked me

"Well, I was good. I'm going to spend the night at a friend's house, ok." I tell him

"Ok did you ask Chiron? Do you need a ride or something? Are you going to be alright? Do you want me to pick you up for school tomorrow?" he ranted.

"Yes I did ask Chiron. No I don't need a ride their or to school tomorrow. Their actually waiting at the front if you want to me them." I say quickly as I walk out to where the others were.

As we walk to the front Malcom face was in total shock of the people that was waiting for me.

"That's 'Connect 3' what are they doing in the restaurant." Malcom asks/whisper loudly to me.

"Well Malcom their friends that I will be spending the night at. Malcom I want you to me Thalia, Nico and Percy." I say to him and point to each of them as I say their names. "Guys meet Malcom. My brother" I introduce him. I don't know why but I thought I saw relief on Percy's face. I must have been imagining it.

"OK. Don't do anything stupid. Any of you. While Thalia and I go pack my overnight bag." I say to Nico, Percy and my brother.

I walk up the stairs while Thalia was right behind me. We walked into my room. It was simple and a light green. The room had a bed, a dresser, a closet and a small bookshelf in the corner overfilling with books.

"Nice room. When did you get a brother?" Thalia asked not being blunt at all.

"About a year after Chiron adopted me we found Malcom in alley behind a gas station and we fell in love with him so we adopted him too." I say casually not really paying attention to her as I get out my duffle bag and start throwing cloths into it.

"So what's with you and Percy giving each other googly-eyes." Thalia asked.

I looked up at her with a puzzling look. "What are you talking about Thalia?" I ask her.

"Oh, don't you play innocent with me. You and my cousin totally have crushes on each other." Thalia says.

"Whatever Thalia, Percy and I don't like each other in that sense and we haven't even known each other long enough to have crushes on each other's." I say defending myself as I zip up my duffle. "Let's go downstairs before my brother either embarrasses me or hurts them." I say walking out of the room and down the stairs where the boys were.

As I approach them I see that Percy was blushing and Malcom and Nico were laughing.

"What are you guys laughing at?" Thalia and I asked at the same time.

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