Chapter 6

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A New Tune of Love

A Percabeth story

Chapter 6

Disclaimer: I don't own any of these character in this story. They belong to Rick Riordan. I also don't own any of the songs that is in the story.

Percy's POV

Singing with Annabeth felt SO different from singing with my cousins. Not a bad kind of different just….. DIFFERENT. Great I'm having a debt in my head. After we finished the song. I turned to face her. I was going to talk to her but I was stopped as soon as I saw her eyes. I became memorized. I soon began leaning in and to my surprise she did too.

And then the worst thing that could have happened. HAPPENED.

Nico and Thalia stormed into the room screaming exactly like 3 year olds. "PIZZA HERE". No joke

Annabeth and I moved from each other so fast I accidently fell off the bench that we were sitting on.

Thalia, Nico and Annabeth started laughing to the fact that I was on the floor and my face was as red as a fire truck. It didn't help that Annabeth's face was the same shade.

Then Nico realized the redness of our faces and asked. "Did we interrupt anything?" He said wiggling his eyes suggestively.

"NO, YOU DIDN'T INTERRUPT ANYTHING" Annabeth and I yell at the same time. "I came to show Annabeth the room and we were just singing a song she wrote." I said as some of the blush left my face.

"Was that what we heard from upstairs? That sounded so good!" Thalia exclaimed.

"Um, thanks" Annabeth said shyly.

"Come on, Annabeth. That song was great. Plus we sounded so good together." I told her. Adding a wink to the last part.

"So Annabeth. Do you have any more AMAZING songs in that little song book of yours?" Nico asked.

"I have tons of songs in my 'little song book' but none of them are 'amazing'" she says in respond.

"Come on Annabeth that can't be true. I bet all of your songs are amazing. I have a fantastic idea." Thalia said really excitedly.

"And what would your idea be. Thalia." Annabeth answered freighted.

"Why don't we sing one?" Thalia said jumping up and down.

"Are you sure that's a good idea, Thalia?" I asked her seeing how nervous Annabeth was.

"Just because you already got to sing with her, doesn't mean the rest of us don't. We know you like each other but YOU CAN SHARE." Nico said. The last sentence took me by surprise. I mean Annabeth is so gorgeous and smart, talent- ok stop. I don't like Annabeth like that.

"OK why don't we sing a song" I say recovering as I go over to Annabeth. "Ifs that ok."

"It's ok. How about this one." She says as she points to a song in her song book.

We all huddled around her and the book as we looked at the song.

"I was thinking that Nico would be on drums, Thalia would go on bass while Percy was on Guitar and I would be on Keyboard and sing lead with Percy and during the chorus we would all sing." Annabeth said disturbing her plan,

"Sounds like a plans." My cousins and I say as we get to our instruments.

I get my favourite electric guitar (I named it Riptide.) and then walked over the recording booth.

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