The Conclusion

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February 14, 2015

Firey's POV:
"Leafy!" I yelled in agony. She fell to the floor with blood coming out of her back, and a pocketknife. "NO!" I yelled. I turned around and Puffball's minions were there. "You idiots!" I yelled. "We sweared to Puffball that if you two ever got together, we'd rip you two apart as soon as possible! Even if we'd have to take major steps." They yelled. "No, no, no no no, nonono!" I yelled. Puffball's minions threw their heads back in laughter. This was my chance, as they had their eyes closed and busy laughing. I picked Leafy up and dashed down the hall to the nurse office without them noticing. As I rushed through the empty halls, I looked down at Leafy, in my arms. She opened her eyes halfway and looked at me. "F-Firey, help me." she whimpered, and I shed a tear. "L-Leafy, you'll be alright, I'm here." I whispered to her. I kissed her on the forehead, and she closed her eyes. I looked up and I was outside the nurse office. I rushed in. "Nurses, help!" I yelled frantically at them. "Again?" said the main nurse. "Yeah, again." I sighed. "Boy, somebody out there hates you." said a person in nurse clothes that I'd never seen before. She seemed to take the hint. "Oh, I'm Catandogs , I'm volunteering here today." She smiled. "Oh." The main nurse was busy checking Leafy. "She was hit pretty badly, but I think we might be able to fix it. Also, the previous scars seem to add to the problem. I'm sorry to say she- might not make it." The main nurse told me. "You mean she- she might-" I trailed off. The main nurse sighed. "Yes, I'm very sorry." They got to work.

2 hours later

Still Firey's POV: (you know why I can't do Leafy's POV)

I cried, as I sat outside the office. Memories of Leafy and I pranced around my mind, haunting me and taunting me. I hated it, and wanted to cry at the same time. I wanted to rip my hair out. I was drowning in my tears, and the floor underneath me was wet from 2 hours of crying. Suddenly, Nurse Catandogs called my name, and told me to come in. I came in, my face drenched wet. "Well." The main nurse told me. "IS SHE DEAD?!" I yelled like a psycho. I suddenly wanted to slap myself. I had gone insane. Catandogs looked at me. "No, in fact, she's close to waking up from her unconsciousness, in other words, she's close to being okay." I started to calm down. I started breathing heavily, like I was really happy. "Really?!" I yelled. "Yes, but we need one more push. One more step to the finish. You know what I mean, we need a little more help." The main nurse said. Catandogs looked up. "I know witchcraft, I could help." she noted. "You do? I guess we'd have to try it. Nothing else we can do," The side nurse agreed. "Alright, but please be careful." The main nurse told Catandogs . She got up and went over to Leafy. She took out a bottle filed with water, and then a bottle of pink-purple liquid, and mixed them together. She shaked the liquid, and injected it into Leafy. She then muttered some words you couldn't hear clearly, and rubbed some lotion-like substance over Leafy's back. Catandogs stepped back. "Behold, as she will awaken." she told us, and gestured toward Leafy. A few seconds later, Leafy opened her eyes. "Hmm?" She asked. I then cried tears of joy. "Leafy! Leafy, Leafy, You're alive!" I yelled, and ran over beside her bed. Thank the gods!

Leafy's POV:
"Firey.." I softly called out his name. "You know how much I loved you and how afraid I was going to leave you behind?" I asked him. "Oh, Leafy, I love you too much to let you go." He whispered to me. He leaned in and kissed me. Once he let go, I smiled at him. "I'd never leave you." I told him. "Ok, Leafy, Can you stand?" A nurse that I've never seen before asked me. "She's Catandogs ," Firey told me. Firey and Catandogs helped me up, and I could walk. "Ok, Leafy's alright. Be careful for the rest of this week. Next week you'll be fine, but take extra care for now." The main nurse told me. I nodded my head yes. Firey grabbed my hand as we exited the nurse office. "Leafy, I love you." He told me again and again. "Me too," I kept on repeating. Then we saw Pin, Ice Cube, and Bubble. "Leafy! We saw what happened! Are you alright?" they asked me. "Yeah, Pretty much." I told them. "I'm going to kill those freaks." Pin said, taking out a pocketknife. "Very Funny." I sarcastically said. "No, I really am." She yelled, and ran downstairs to where they were. "No, I don't think you should!" I yelled, and started to sprint after her, but Firey grabbed my sleeve. "Extra care," he reminded me, and picked me up and ran after Pin. "Pin! Don't!" I yelled. "Too bad I care about you Leafy," she told me. The three minions turned around to see Pin and her pocketknife, and they screamed. SLASH!

As Firey, and Leafy left for the exit door in sorrow, along with Pin, Ice Cube and Bubble, the three dead bodies laid on the floor. Someone saw, and hid them in a nearby janitors closet. Firey and Leafy smiles at each other, and kissed. "I love you," they kept on telling each other and Pin, Ice Cube, and Bubble giggled along. "I love you," Leafy repeated. "I hate you," three voices repeated from behind a corner..

~ Read book two, which will be ot soon. The title will be, "We're Still Here". I hope you enjoyed this !!! Thank You for all views and reads. :)

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