Chapter 1 - The Boy with the Forest Green Eyes

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A night fury flew through the clouds a rider on her back. This rider suddenly jumped off falling through the air grinning "race you to the ground" (y/n) yelled
"Your on" Shear said. A few minutes later she swore she saw another dragon flying nearby. As Shear was pondering this a black shape speed by her. Without a second thought she grabbed (y/n) by her hood dropping her on her back making a sharp right. "Shear!!!" (Y/n) screamed clinging onto her sister neck

Hiccups POV

"Come on bud let's try and go faster this time" I yelled over the wind
"Race you to the ground" I heard a female voice nearby. Turning my head I saw a girl falling fast through the clouds to be followed right after by another night fury.
"Change of plan Toothless follow that dragon" I whispered into his ear. Toothless growled in response. As we neared, the other dragon grabbed her rider quickly changing direction
"Shear!!" The girl screamed

2rd person POV

(Y/n) held onto Shear for dear life.
They made a few quick turns when a dark shadow appeared through the fog. Shear not paying attention flew faster to the shadow.
"Shear watch out" (y/n) cried but was too late as they both crashed into the snow.
(Y/n) pulled herself out of the snow shaking her head trying to get the snow out of her (h/l) (h/c).

Hiccups POV

This dragon is fast I thought as we speed up trying not to lose it. When I noticed a dark shadow appear in front us. Without a second thought I changed Toothless tail, making us shoot upwards. As we rounded down I saw the girl pull herself out of a snow bank. I didn't even need to ask as Toothless landed quietly close by the other two.
"Shear, what the hell was that!" The girl yelled turning to a pile of snow.

2nd person POV

Shear pushed out of the snow to look at a furious (y/n) before she could respond (y/n) continued saying "is this your idea at getting back at me for pranking you last week. For this was reckless, we could have died" She started passing in circles.
"There was someone following us" Shear responded her head down
(Y/n) stared at her with disbelief. "Another dragon that's what made you fly like a mad man. Oh gods are you kidding me. I'll give you ten seconds to make up a better excuse than that." She muttered rubbing her eyes.
"I'm not joking (y/n) there was another dragon." Shear said strongly
"Sure, what's next." (Y/n) said holding up her hands in the air "let me guess there was not only a dragon chasing us but it had a rider. Seriously Shear we've seen dragons on flights over the years and you never acted this crazy." She said
"Actually you're not wrong" a male voice spoke up
(Y/n) spun her head around to see a boy about her age standing behind her, she froze staring at him straight into his forest green eyes.
Shear growled at the stranger.
(Y/n) suddenly said in a low tone "catch me over the cliff." Then turned and ran jumping over the edge, Shear following catching her and speeding off.
The girl turned her head to see the boy get on his own dragon following her. Turning back she whispered into Shear's ear "to the caves" her referring to a small island close by her home made up of many cave tunnels. Shear following without question.

**Time Skip**

(Y/n) turned still seeing the boy following. Persistence aren't we she thought as they entered a cave.
"They went in here Toothless." She heard his voice echo in the tunnel.
Deciding she was done playing defense, (y/n) turned her body to be facing Shear's tail looking up. When seeing in the dark is helpful she thought smirking seeing a cracked in the roof of the tunnel. She shoot a plasma blast at it having rocks fall down blocking the tunnel.
"Yes" She cheered turning back as they broke into sunlight. Changing course back home.

Hiccups POV

I watch the girl argue with her dragon, what I wasn't sure of was that this girl acted as if she understood the dragon's growls as words. Curious to find out why I decided to show myself "actually you're not wrong" I spoke up walking around the rock I was hiding behind. The girl turned what caught me by surprise were her eyes they were violet, a color I never seen before. They were not only deep violet, but they looked like they were on fire that appeared cold as ice.
As I was going to say something else she narrowed her eyes said something I couldn't quite hear. Then unexpectedly she ran and jumped of the cliff her dragon following. I ran back to Toothless "we can't lose them now bud let's follow" I said jumping on his back as we took off after them

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