Chapter 2

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Home again.

 The pair made it outside using the back entrance of the south building, leading out onto the rest of the grounds. Kaira was thankful there was no-one around to gawk at her as she awkwardly followed behind her Uncle. The buildings were far apart but she could still see the east and west buildings. The north building was nearer to the back of the grounds and the view of it was also completely blocked by the statue looming ahead.

The straight path lead into the heart of Firestone academy which was marked by the grandiose fountain. The centrepiece was one of the largest statues Kaira had ever seen. The magnificent creature was carved from glittering stone that sparkled in the sunlight, each scale was delicately carved, each detail lovingly crafted. The statue was of a dragon with her tail laid on the floor, curled around her half-seated body, the top half of her body was extended, her front arms reached up toward the sun and her mouth was open in a majestic roar. Kaira watched as water sprayed from the powerful jaws of the dragon, creating a waterfall into the pool waiting below.

As they neared the statue Kaira could see two much smaller dragons, one was in a similar pose to its mother standing behind her, a much smaller fountain cascading into the pool below. Another of the baby dragons was peeking out from behind its mother's tail shooting the smallest stream of water into the fountain. Kaira didn't know why the statue made her feel so happy or calm, but it was beautiful. She certainly wished she had been around in the time of the Dragons.

Luther led her to the right of the path taking her toward the eastern building, nearest to the Dragon mother's head. As she reluctantly tore her gaze away from the statue, her gaze wandered. Just outside the East building Kaira saw a small square of shrubbery, rose bushes were planted all around a much smaller statue of a squat looking little creature. Around the bottom of the statue there seemed to be words, not that Kaira could make out a single one.

"Not incredibly sociable, but they are very loyal." Luther nodded his head to the statue as they were passing it. Kaira gave him a confused look and he explained, "Gnomes, they have worked on the gardens since I started the academy. I don't think I would ever trust another creature to tend such a large expanse of land." Kaira smiled and nodded in understanding. They walked between the Library and the East building at leisure, Kaira heard the chatter from several classrooms winding its way out of the many open windows.

"How many creatures do you have at the school exactly?" She asked, turning her head toward him curiously.

"There are over 20 different species at the academy. Not all of them study, some are purely here for teaching purposes, still an impressive variety of us to live in one community and maintain a considerable amount of peace. The Minotaur and Ogres cause us the most trouble; they are all fairly testosterone charged in their adolescence." Luther chuckled and shook his head as if to say, what will be, will be. Kaira smiled and wondered if she would ever get used to living so close to creatures she wasn't familiar with.

"Sounds like a challenge you are more than able to rise to, Uncle Luther." She paused for a moment looking at the large building to her left and pointed toward it. "What's that?"

"Those are the main student accommodations; you will be staying in the small dorm over there." Luther gestured to the right, Kaira followed his action and her eyes widened. She was pleasantly surprised to see a relatively normal looking cottage half hidden behind a short row of trees. She began to follow the path along faster than before, the new building came into view. It was dwarfed when compared to the other buildings within the walls of the academy, but for her it was perfect. It was not intimidating in the slightest, in-fact the exterior of the small building looked warm and inviting.

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