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Naruto took the initiative to come to T.C Company, hoping to use his own strength to persuade Kaemon about something.

At this moment, Hinata saw him at a faraway distance.

Naruto saw her too. He didn't expect to see Hinata here.

However, Hinata hid herself behind a wall.

She didn't know why she hid herself.

Naruto thought that it was his imagination seeing her.

He took a few sights, and left there.

After seeing Naruto left, Hinata went to find Ichika, the person that work at the front desk.

"Ichika, do you know who's him from?" she asked, pointing at Naruto.

"Oh, him!" Ichika said.
"Every girl in the company admires him, because he's so handsome!!!" she exclaimed.

"Handsome, huh?"
Hinata looked at Naruto who was going to leave.

Indeed, he does. she thought.

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