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I stormed to his dorm and knocked on the door as hard as I could and then he opened it, he was wearing black sweatpants and didn't have a shirt on and he had messy hair

"Oh hey Rosewood, what are you doing here?" he knew exactly what I was doing there because a smirk appeared on his face when he saw me

"You complete fool! You don't think I'm that stupid do you? I know what you did!" I yelled at him because this could've been my chance to get with Cedric

"What did I do? Did I get into your lame dating life and ruin it, I mean there was no chance, look at you and look at him, no one would date you Y/n" He never called me by my first name before

"Your just jealous that people ask me out and you sit in your dorm and get high because if there is someone in this room that people don't want to date it would be you!" I was furious

How dare he ruin my day like that, I've only known him for a day and I wish I never met him, he's already made me hate my life

"I'm not jealous of a bitch like you, I have better things than to date stupid people like you, and I can do what I want to you, I can torture you, ruin your life, kill you and even fuck you whenever I want"

The last one hit different because he grabbed me by my neck and pinned me against the door, he also then brought his face closer to mine which made it hard to breath because if he came a little bit closer our lips would be touching

I pushed him off of me and started yelling again

"Listen here Riddle, you don't own me therefore you can't fuck me whenever you want, and if you try I won't melt under your touch so there would be no use, now do us all a favour and stay away from boys that try to talk to me or take me out!"

With that I stormed off to my dorm Jade tried to ask what happened but I just told her it was nothing and changed into my pyjamas

I tried to go to sleep but I couldn't, all I could think of was what Mattheo said, how he could torture and kill me or how he could ruin my life, that's what I was scared of, him ruining my life even more than its already ruined

"I'm going to see Blaise" Pansy said before leaving to go to where ever they were going to meet, then Odeya and Jade said they're going out with Theodore and Lorenzo

Here I was, laying in bed with no boyfriend because of Mattheo Riddle, why did he do that anyways? what was his problem with me dating Cedric or hanging out with him?

Mattheo hated me and he said it to my face, why did he do that? I needed answers, but not now, I was too comfortable to move

Five minutes later I heard a knock on the door but I didn't get up, I don't feel like moving, but I also felt alone, so I got up and opened it

And I wish I hadn't, because there he was standing right outside my dorm, "uh, can I come in?" he asked "no" I replied "thanks babygirl!" he said with a smile and walked right past me and into the room.

What. The. Fuck.

"Excuse me what the fuck did you just call me Riddle?" he didn't answer, he just sat on my bed looking at me like he didn't just call me 'babygirl', but he looked so hot 

No! No! No!

What was I thinking, I can't like him, he's an asshole that only cares about himself, plus if I fall for him he's going to break my heart so no thank you, but yet he's still hot


"What do you want? I was trying to sleep" I exclaimed obviously annoyed "Well I was going to hang out with my friends but they're all busy so I came here because I was bored" he said looking around

𝙳𝚊𝚛𝚔 𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎 (𝙼𝚊𝚝𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚘 𝚁𝚒𝚍𝚍𝚕𝚎 𝚡 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛)Where stories live. Discover now