Prank Wars

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"WHAT THE FUCK!!" I yelled as I felt ice cold water get spilled on my head while I was sleeping, my eyes fluttered open quickly and I saw Theodore standing over me with a bucket in his hand as Enzo and Blaise stood on the other side of my bed, laughing.

"Wake up sleepy head" Theo said while smiling down at me "I hope we didn't bother you that much, I mean we're not that annoying are we guys?" The other two shook their heads 'no'

"I'M GOING TO KILL YOU THEODORE NOTT!" I yelled and jumped out of bed while he started running like a little girl, I chased after him, it was Saturday and we didn't have school today and I was really hoping to sleep in

He rushed out of the dorm and I followed after him, there were people in the hallways and they all looked at us, while I pushed a couple of lost first years, fuck they're annoying!

We kept going like this until we were both out of breath "Ok! Ok! I'm sorry! I did it- I did it  because I thought it would be fun an-and it was fun" Theo said breathlessly "Can we stop running now? We've ran all around Hogwarts"

I looked at him for a second "Well now that You said sorry uhm...NO!" Then I started running after him again, he screamed and started running to the common room.

When we reached there he yelled the password and ran in and jumped behind a couch, a couch that Riddle was sitting on, Draco, Enzo and Blaise were sitting on the one in front of it with Pansy on Blaise's lap and Tom on the love seat.

"You guys still running?" Pansy asked trying not to laugh at Theo's face while Blaise and Enzo were laughing uncontrollably they'll see what will happen to them later

I nodded, "I'm going to kill you Nott, don't forget that!" I tried catching my breath while giving him a death stare

"OH NO! Is little Miss Snape threatening me?" He said in a girly voice, just a second ago he was 'sorry' and now this?

Oh it's on!

"I'm going to do it right now you fucking asshole, and they can watch!" I said pointing to everyone in the common room

By now I caught my breath and I tried chasing him but as soon as I starting running towards him I tripped on something and fell right onto someone's lap, and little did I know that someone was Mattheo Riddle

We locked eyes.

Everyone went silent and it felt as if it was only him and I in the whole world

Just us.

"Get the fuck off me" He said with absolutely no emotions, as if I did it on purpose, he's such an asshole

"Don't act like I did it on purpose because that will never happen" I replied while getting off of him

"Good", He smirked, I want to punch him so bad right now

"Well I guess you can't kill Theo now" Berkshire said still laughing 

"Oh I got lots of things for that little shithead, he's gonna wish he never met me" I nodded and left the common room


Before lunch I rushed to the Gryffindor common room and luckily Neville was just about to go inside, I asked him if I could come in too and he nodded 

We both got in and he went to study, I rushed to the Twins and asked them for their help to get back at Theo

Which they of course agreed too because..well they love pranks, they were gonna get extra hot chips from god knows were, they'd go up to Theo and give them to him and of course he'll eat it because it's Theo he loves food more than his friends, then the prank begins

𝙳𝚊𝚛𝚔 𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎 (𝙼𝚊𝚝𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚘 𝚁𝚒𝚍𝚍𝚕𝚎 𝚡 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛)Where stories live. Discover now