Think Before It's Too Late

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There once was this girl . She was really good in school , loved music && just school . She only loved school because of this one guy . There was one problem . The guy never noticed the girl && each day the girl got hurt because all she thought about was this boy && how much she just would die to talk to him . He was on her mind 24/7 . But it hurt her most knowing that he didn't think of her like she thought of him . But she kept her studies up . Worked hard & made her teachers proud . But each day she got bullied for the littlest things . Her hair . Her eyes . Her everything . For no reason . She was so confident . Honestly Perfect . The most prettiest & got bullied . Everyday she had to live with that when she went to school . She always came home to constant fighting with her parents . About how she never leaves the house & how she's always sad . But it wasn't her fault . Her parents fought everyday & she blamed herself . She self harmed ever since the age of 10 . She was now 16 . She kept to herself though . Never said anything mean to thee bullies , never disrespected her parents . The only thing that kept this girl going was this kid . This boy of her dreams . She only went to school to see him . But he would never notice her . Never . But she never let go of that little hope in her small heart that maybe one day .. Just one day she'll have the guts to talk to him && get to know him . She felt that the bullying & rumors & the boy not noticing her & her parents & everything was her fault . That she hurt everyone so badly to the point everyone turned on her & started to hurt her . So she hurt herself . Everyday . One day she wasn't feeling like herself . The cuts seemed to sting more && her skin seemed so sensitive that day . She was confused but went on . She went into school & looked everywhere for the boy . Only to see him hug another girl . Just hugging nothing else . She ran away . From everyone . The school . Her friends . Her family . She just ran to this spot that she always went to when she was a kid . It calmed her down . She cried her eyes out . Wishing for everything to stop . She wanted to just die .. But the only thing that saved her was the boy . But just thinking of him made her hurt more & more & she wanted the images to go away & erase from her mind . She walked more down this narrow path from the spot she always went to . There she came close to a cliff . 1,000 feet down to death . She cried more & closed her eyes & was about to fall until she heard her name & opened her eyes && looked to her side . She seen the boy . He followed her . She smiled & his face went pale . She didn't understand . Then everything went black . && She woke up .

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