Wrote This About My Girlfriend To My Best Friend .

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Exactly ! 💕 Dakota makes me the happiest person ever alive . When I'm with her it's like the rest of the world seeps away. She's my only way out . It's like listening to music when you're mad or sad . I don't need music or anything else but that girl . That girl literally understands me more than anyone . I'm honestly in love .. I thought I knew what love was like before . Thought I was in love with a lot of other people . Like Madison & Justin & Jeremy & Jabari & blah . But I guess I wasn't . But goddamn Brianna .. I'm so extremely happy . She's changing me & I'm happy for that . Just thinking about her & telling someone how much I love her makes tears come to my eyes because it's so strong .. No one knows her like I do . Madison thinks she does but she doesn't . This girl is honestly so different & I really feel that one day when I think it's right & we're older that I'll marry her . 💍 because loving her is the only thing I want to do for the rest of my life . I love how my family loves her & she's always with me & she's always helping me & stopping me from hurting myself . She's going for surgery soon & I'm scared because there's a 50/50 chance she might not live & that scares me because I finally am so happy & to have a chance that my happiness could be taken away frightens me . If I ever lose her I really don't know what I would do with myself . Watching the stars & cuddling her & cooking with her & going to Starbucks & play fighting & love bites & lust & love in public & secret surprises & seeing each other everyday & the walks to her house at 12 at night just to know she's okay .. So many things I've done with this girl already . I really feel that I've found my true happiest with Dakota . Hurting her hurts me . She's just so amazing to me . I'm so in love with her & everything about her . My dad asked us what we love about each other & I honestly just said everything because it's true ! I can't pick something separately because I literally do feel that I love everything about her . Nothing makes me not love her , just makes me love her even more . It's true what they say .. You'll know when you find the right one . She holds me down & I hold her down . She tells me everything even if I get mad over it & we work it out . We don't split . We're a team . It's like being with your best friend everyday . It's true . I never thought it was possible to fall in love more & more with a person until I met Dakota . I've never actually got to sit down & actually tell someone how much Dakota makes me happy before . Her smile just makes me feel happy inside & when she cries I'm there to wipe the tears away . When I kiss her , it feels right . She's holding me down from now to eternity 💙🔜 I'm happy & Daniel nor Jeremy nor jabari or anyone will ruin us . I'm holding this girl down for as long as I can . For as long as she loves me & I love her . We fight at times but we always work it out . Being able to be myself around her & singing her to sleep & cuddling her while listening to her heartbeat & just knowing that she's alive makes me happy too . We were watching the stars one night & I saw a shooting star . She told me to make a wish & I looked at her & said that there's nothing to wish for because all I want is right beside me . & it's true . The day before Dakota asked me out I saw another shooting star . I wished for Dakota to be mine & the next day I got my wish . That's why I call her my shooting star because I got her when I wished for her . The whole world is erased when I'm with her & just knowing that we're making our own little story together & knowing that if I could marry her tomorrow , I would . 👰 no one exactly understands how I feel but I'm different now because of that girl . She makes me feel so much better about myself . I'm so madly & deeply in love with her & I'm not ashamed to tell the world . 🌎 the way she makes me feel makes me speechless . Walking in the dark while blasting music & just dancing in the middle of the street at like 3 in the morning & just being able to lay there in the street & look up at the sky with her .. With my best friend in the entire world makes me beyond happy . We don't have to have money or go anywhere to be happy or have fun . Being with each other makes us the happiest . I'm really happy Brianna ... I really am this time .

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2015 ⏰

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