Ghost Panic

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It had been a week since Morro had disintegrated in front of Wu, in the cold, raw water, dying again. Lloyd had nightmares, nightmares with him, and that he couldn't save his father, bring him back, that he had failed. He could barely rest properly. If you looked closely at his face, you could see his dark circles due to lack of sleep.

Lloyd thought that maybe a hot tea would help him fall asleep, calm down. His legs had led him into the kitchen to make one. Out of the corner of his eye, he had seen something green, slightly transparent as he approached. Lloyd had quickly taken a cup of tap water and pointed it at the ghost.

He was afraid, a lot. The thought that Morro or who else might come back and try to possess him again, hurt his friends, family- He didn't want that, not again.

"Wait! Lloyd! It's me, Cole!!" Cole looked fearfully at the drops that had jumped out of the cup.

"C-cole..?" Lloyd realized who he was. He blinked a few times, and his face recognized him. "Oh- I'm sorry Cole!" He places the cup of lethal water for some and for him of life on the table. "I..." He was beginning to feel anxious again. It wasn't the first time he'd felt this way around Cole, and that annoyed him at times. He's one of his good friends! Why feel anxious?!- oh..

"It's okay, seriously." He had given him a smile. Cole understood why Lloyd was like that, and so would he.

Cole had been slowly not approaching Lloyd for... a long time. It gave him time to 'heal'. The Morro phase was... a big one for him.

Cole spent his nights on the roof of the Monastery or flying through the Monastery. He checked to see if everyone was okay, but he wasn't going to Lloyd's bedroom. He was afraid that the blonde would be awake then, scared and throw water at him. That gives a quick death. And he didn't want to feel the water on him, to feel the burn..

The silence of the night was beginning to become something sacred to him. He could hear a lot, how he could hear the blonde crying slowly or when he woke up from a nightmare. He wanted to help him a lot, but in his current state, he could do nothing but intensify the already deep wound. So, he was at a distance.


"Cole.." Lloyd had been looking for his friend for a few minutes already. "Cole!"

Cole heard his name being shouted. 'Down' from the roof. "O-oh.. Lloyd, hey." He did not expect out of everyone, Lloyd to shout his name.

"Hey! Where have you been??" He slowly approaches his transparent friend.

"I.. around here."

He wanted to leave. He wasn't supposed to be with him, not now. This is not the time. It will make everything worse. Must-

"You started to avoid me. Why?" Lloyd said calmly, his eyes the color of living nature twinkling in his eyes. Cole looked at his hands sadly. The blonde needed no further clues. "Oh..."

"I knew you still had nightmares with.. Morro and you're on alert about ghosts, you have trouble sleeping and.. other things. I didn't want to make this harder and worse for you.." He said calmly, with a wave of sadness at the end, still with his eyes on his transparent green hands.

Lloyd realized, or rather, remembered that ghosts could not sleep, which meant that he heard him wake up crying and almost screaming at night because of a nightmare. Lloyd had begun to feel guilty.

"Cole, I'm sorry.." He started, but was quickly interrupted.

"You're not to blame, Lloyd. I-I'm the ghost here! Not you or anyone else. I can't control my new powers either.." He looked at his hands in horror. "I-if I'm too close to you... still not know how to control them... W-what if I mistakenly possess you..?"

Lloyd was horrified. He hadn't thought about that. The thought of being possessed again by a ghost or something made him tremble terribly. To sit in a small place again... watching his loved ones get hurt because of him- no, no, that's not going to happen again. Lloyd knew Cole wouldn't do that, he didn't want to do that. He knew that.

"This will not happen." He told him firmly.

"How do you know not?! Maybe- if it happens now?!"

"It won't happen now or any other day. I know you, Cole, and you wouldn't hurt anyone dear to you. Not possessing it out of desire, or by mistake." Lloyd told him.

"But what if- "

"There is no if." There is one, but not now. "We'll find a way to get you back to normal, together. But until then, I'd like to spend time with one of my friends, you." He smiled at him. "What do you say? Do you want it, Cole?"

Cole stared at him from head to toe.

Was Lloyd serious? Does he really want me to spend time with him?- No, no.. it must be a mistake- but if..

Cole was still looking at him. He had taken a breath, but he was doing it in vain, he could not feel it or it was useful to him. He was, Dead. He looked at his hands. Green, transparent, ghostly. He made them punched, then opened them, falling beside him. He looked at Lloyd. Smiling calmly and peacefully..

"I'd love to, Greenie."

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