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Lloyd had been struggling for some time. Being the defender of the city and at the same time a 16-year-old boy who is in high school, it is not so easy. The lost lessons complicated him, the many and extra homework that he received because of his last name. Projects, tests.. it was too much... and most of the lessons he did not understand.

Lloyd was now locked in his room, the lamp on, the books, the notebooks, the torn sheets on the floor, the bed, the desk. That room was a disaster. He was the same. Messy hair, pale face and dark circles due to lack of sleep. He was tired, but he knew he had to finish what he had for school now.. until he got another rescue mission.

There was a knock on the door, it was Koko, his mother. "Lloyd darling, do you want to eat something? Or to take a break...?" She was worried. Lloyd hadn't been out of the bedroom in hours. She had no idea if he ate anything when he came home.

"I'm fine, Mom. I have to finish something here..." He replied wearily from the bedroom.

"Okay..." She stayed a little longer, after leaving the door.

Other hours had passed, full of stress, a lot of fatigue, anxiety.. Lloyd dropped the pen from his hand, running a hand through his blond hair, pulling it lightly.

"I can't... I don't want to..." He complained wearily.

"Maybe I can help you." A voice rang out from behind him. He turned quickly, his heart pounding. "Hey Greenie." It was his cousin, Morro.


"Geez Lloyd, aren't you happy to see me?" He approached him, picking up some thrown sheets on the floor. " 'Put the correct form of- ' Ok. Grammar, step." He tossed the sheet over his shoulder.

"What are you doing here, Morro?" Lloyd raised his lazy head with his hand.

"Well, a little ghost said to me," He throws himself on the blonde's bed. "That you would need some help with school." He smiled at him, picking up Lloyd's Spanish notebook and flipping through it.

"Let me guess, Mom."

"Mmmm.. I don't know. Maybe. Oh my- ¿Tienes 5 ejercicios en español?"

"Sorry.. 1. What? And 2. Do you know Spanish?!"

"1. Do you have 5 exercises in Spanish? 2. Yes, yes I know."

"How do you know Spanish?!"

"Dad. And most of all, the swearing in Spanish is gorgeous, dear Lloyd.~"

The blonde smiled guiltily. He went back to the notebook and textbook on his desk, picking up where he left off. Morro looked at him for a moment.

"Listen, I can help you finish faster."

"I'm listening." He keep writing.

"You can pass on to me what you don't know, and I can make them on sheets, and you copy them cleanly. What do you say?"

Lloyd stopped the pen in the air. "Do you think it will work?"

"I'm sure of that. Now come on," he had clapped his hands once. "Give me what you don't know."

Lloyd looked at his cousin a little. "Are you sure?"


"Okay! Okay!" He began to pick up a few sheets of paper from the floor, some notebooks and textbooks that were sitting on a chair in the corner of the room. He put them all on the bed next to Morro. "Here. I think... these are."

Morro stared at them in shock. "Wow.. many. But together we will solve them!" He stood up, taking some white sheets and a thick novel that he put under them to have something hard to write about. "You take care of copying your lessons and what topics you know, and I take care of this. Do you understand?"


They got to work. Lloyd didn't ask him how he got in his room. He hadn't heard the door at all. He suspected the real answer and the one the brunette would have given him. He kept an eye on his cousin, who half an hour later caught his hair in a messy bun, with his rebellious green strand exposed. He seemed focused, trying to solve problems as accurately as possible. He knew what Morro was like based on well-done homework, almost obsessed. He didn't want to be wrong in some subjects. There are periods when he doesn't make them at all or doesn't bother with them and makes them to be made. Same with the tests, the grades. In subjects he knows he is not good at, he does not care so much or learn from them as to take high marks and pass. Lloyd didn't often ask for his help at all. He didn't want to bother him. If he hadn't had so much to do now, he would have refused instant help.

After another hour and another thirty minutes, he could feel his fingers aching, his watch moving too fast forward, his eyelids feeling heavy, his fatigue enveloping him, and suddenly it seemed that the notebook he was writing on was a very good pillow. He closed his eyes a little. A wave of silence swept over him. A wave of sleep.

"Don't sleep in a chair."

A voice woke him. He turned his head, looking at Morro, who had taken a sip of a cappuccino.

'Was that cappuccino always here?'  Lloyd wonders confusedly bad.

"Get in bed." His voice was serious but a little tired... even irritated. "Are you sleepy?"

"No, I'm fine... I still have to write..." He took the pen in his hand, but dropped it instantly. In the next second he saw out of the corner of his eye how his cousin got out of bed. He quickly put his hands in front of him to stop him. "No, no... no need, sit down. I still have a little..."

Morro looked at him seriously, stingingly, as if he wanted to get through his cousin. "Fine." He went back to work.

Lloyd turned his face to the desk notebook. The words had begun to turn spots of color, clouds over which small sheep jumped and...


*Bzzz* *Bzzz*
*Bzzz* *Bzzz*

Emerald green eyes opened slowly at the annoying hum of the boy's ears. A yellowish sunlight entered his eyes, a little blinding. His hand was searching for the source of the buzzing that bothered his ears. It was close to him, he could hear it. He took it, bringing it close to his face. The white light instantly blinded him. When his eyes adjusted, he saw the time.

"Oh no!!" Lloyd whirlwind rises in the bottom. "I fell asleep too much!!!" He got out of bed quickly. He stumbled, falling to the hard floor.

His legs rose quickly from the floor, helping his body to move toward the closet. Quickly grab a pale pink sweatshirt and run to the bathroom to change. He left after two minutes, running to get his backpack. When he put his hand on it and opened it, they were all arranged.

"What the..."

"Stay calm, Greenie." Morro's voice came from behind him. He watched him smile. "Everything is ready and prepared. Don't stress. Breakfast is on the table. It's waiting for you."

Lloyd ran to him, holding him tightly into a hug. "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!! Thank you!!!" He was very grateful. Lloyd looked into Morro's eyes cheerfully. "Thanks!"

"No problem. Run now! You'll be late!"

Lloyd quickly picked up his bag, eating the prepared food, and ran to catch the bus.

During the break lunch, Lloyd didn't expect to eat anything, but he still looked to see if he had anything. And... it was to his surprise. A packet of food. A note was pasted on the package. The writing was wrinkled but fast. The blonde had recognized who he was from the start.

'I managed to finish my part of the job. I noticed that you fell asleep after I told you CLEARLY TO GO TO SLEEP. I put you to bed and I took care of the rest, on your side. It lasted all night, but it was worth it.  =)

- Morro'

'He did everything for me...'

Lloyd smiled, but he felt guilty. Morro stayed up all night to help him with his homework. All night... He had to make up for it and he will!

When he got home, he noticed his cousin instantly. He was sleeping on the couch. Lloyd smiled a little, but he felt bad. He left for a minute, returning with a fluffy blanket. He put it lightly on Morro. He smiled.

"I'll make up for your help, I promise."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2021 ⏰

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