American Idol Live Show TOP 11

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We woke up the next day very tired from the day before. We knew we had to get up to prepare for tonight's live show. This show was very IMPORTANT!! There was a guest judge, you guessed it it is Justin Bieber. Rebecca was waiting for this day and she could not be any happier!! This was alwyas Rebecca's dream, and now its coming true.

(R is Rachel, RE is Rebecca, and J is Justin)

We were on our way to the studio when someone famous called my cell phone. It was an unknown number.

R:" Hello, who is this?" I said putting it on speaker.

J: "Hi. This is Justin Bieber."

R:" Hi. You are on speaker."

RE: " Hi Justin. How are you?"

J:" Hi. I was just calling to see how you guys are feeling about tonight's live show and the song you picked."

R:" I loved the song we picked. This is my favorite song from you."

Re:" Yes Justin. This song I think everyone will love and definitely vote for us."

J:" Aww, thank you. Well I will see you tonight, ohh and by the way, Ryan wanted me to tell you guys there is something in store for you two. That's all I have to say. Bye!!"

RE and R:" Bye Justin."

Rebecca and I were looking at each other puzzled and couldn't figure out what Justin was talking about.

We finally pulled up to the studio and about one hundred fans were outside waiting for us. We got out of the van and went towards them, of course with security Steve was there( you never know what fans will do). We singed posters and took selfies with them and then went into the studio and got ready for the show.

( 3 hours later)

Producer: " Rachel and Rebecca, we need you by the other contestants to walk out."

Rachel and Rebecca: " Okay be there in a minute."

We walked out of our dressing room together and we met up with the other contestants near the entrance of the stage.

(Show Starts)

Ryan:" Welcome to American Idol, tonight we have some amazing songs and a special guest judge with us. First, I would like to introduce you to your top 12."

All of us walked out and waved to everyone in the audience. Then we took our seats in the lounge while Ryan was doing the show.

Ryan:" We can't have a show without these people, please give a round of applause to Jennifer Lopez, Keith Urban, Harry Connick Jr, and our very special guest, Justin Bieber."

All the judges walked out including Justin. When he was walking out he came up to Rebecca and gave her a hug. She was freaking out almost about to pass out. We don't need another episode.

Ryan:" As you can see we have Justin Bieber here tonight ladies and gentlemen. He will be judging each performer with the other judges. He also helped all of them pick out there songs for this week. Justin, how do you feel about tonight?"

Justin:" I feel like every contestant will bring it with the songs I picked out for them. They all are talented. It must be hard for everyone to vote for their favorites."

Ryan:"Yes, it must be. So let's get right to it. Our first contestant up tonight is Salma. Let's see what song Justin picked out for her."

They taped rolled and then she sang her version of the song Never Say Never. To me, she sounded amazing. I hope the judges think so.

Ryan:" Justin, how do you think Salma did with your song Never Say Never."

Justin:" I can say I never saw a girl preform the rap like that, until tonight. You did an amazing job."

Ryan:"That is a very good comment coming from Justin. Keith, how do you think Salma did?"

Keith:" Just what Justin said, Salma you did amazing and I couldn't tell if that was Justin's song or your song."

Ryan:" Well you heard that here at American Idol. If you want to see Salma preform next week in the top 11 you need to vote. You can vote at the end of the show for 2 hours using phone, text, or online. The next performer or shall i say performers is Rachel and Rebecca. Let's see what song they picked and how it was like meeting Justin Bieber."

The tape rolled and we got into our places. This song was my favorite and I could not wait to preform. It really meant a lot that Justin said that we can sing this song.

( We preformed U Smile)

Ryan:" Let's go to the expert on that song Justin. What do you think of their performance?"

Justin:"Well, I can say this wasn't your best performance. You guys were way better in rehearsals."

As he said that the whole crowed went BOOOOOO!! Everyone was very disappointed with his comment.

Justin:" It's the truth., I am not to sure what is going on but you were better in rehearsals. I am sorry girls."

Ryan:" Okay lets see if another judge has a good or bad comment, Jennifer Lopez, how do you like Rachel and Rebecca did?"

Jennifer:" I disagree with what Justin said. I think this was your best performance of the whole entire season. You over expected my expectations."

Ryan:" As you guys just heard, some of the judges agree that they did good and other say they had better days. If you want to see Rachel and Rebecca in the top 11, you have to vote!! Voting starts at the end of the show for 2 HOURS ONLY!!

As we walked off stage we could not believe what we heard. Rebecca's idol said that we had better performances and it was better in rehearsals.

Rachel:" Don't be sad Rebecca. Don't let what Justin said get to you. We did good out there. I know our fans will vote for us."

Rebecca: " I know but he is my idol."

Rachel:" I know he is but if we do not make it, just think how far we have gone."

Rebecca:"That's true. Thanks Rachel for cheering me up."

It was at the end of the show and all of us contestants had to go on stage for the last time.

( contestants walks out)

Ryan:" Here you have the top 12. Tomorrow night they will become the top 11. Remember vote for your favorite to move on because the top 10 will go on a world wide tour during the summer! So go vote if you want to see your favorites on tour. The numbers will be on the bottom of the screen and from everyone here, this is.. American Idol. Good night everyone!!"

As the show ended everyone gave hugs and walked off stage. Although Rebecca and I were some what upset we knew if our fans really loved us they will vote.

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