American Idol TOP 9 (8) Results Show

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For some reason I could't sleep. Maybe it was my nerves getting the best of me? I guess I didn't know for sure how much longer we will be on American Idol or if America voted enough. I will find out sooner rather than later.

(Next morning)

It was about 7am and we had to get up early because we had a meet and greet with the other contestants and this place in downtown LA. Although we had this meet and greet I was still thinking about tonight's LIVE result show. 

(knock at the door)

Steve: "Are you girls ready?"

Rachel and Rebecca:"Yes."

We had to be at Disneyland at 9 and the meet and greet started at 10. Trust me the traffic here in LA is way different than from were we lived. 

On our way to the park we see this massive line already forming. I guess tons of people DO watch American Idol. We arrived and we went backstage in the waiting area with all of the other contestants. 

It was 10am and we were all ready to go up on stage. (by the way wed did our hair and makeup in the car,  what an ADVENTURE that was) Lets just say our driver does not like us so much right now. 

Anyway we headed up on stage with all of the other contestants and started to sign autographs. I could not believe that this many people showed up. The meet and greet ran for about 2 hours. After we were all done we had to go grab a quick lunch and than head down to the studio.  We had to get ready for the show tonight. 

Of course we had to stop and our FAVORITE place IN AND OUT. Rebecca and I have not been to IN AND OUT in forever. As our fan base has grown we can not really do "normal" things as you would say. So we just stuck to going through the drive through. 

We ate in the car on the way to the studio and man was it good. We finally arrived around 2pm and the show starts at 7pm. We have time to relax until we have to rehearse the group song at 3pm. 

It was finally 3 and all of us headed on stage and practiced the opening song "Don't Stop Believing". Again, a great song. 

It was our turn to go to hair and makeup and wardrobe. I had on a pink short dress with black flats and Rebecca had on a purple dress with white flats. We had to match, we are twins after all. 

The time was now 6:55pm and Ryan headed on stage to do his opening monologue. Here we go.


Ryan: "Welcome to American Idol. Tonight our contestants will be ONE step closer to becoming the NEXT American Idol. One will go home tonight and that will leave 8 fighting for the chance to become our next Idol. Who will it be? Stay tuned,but for now here they are your TOP 9 singing "Don't Stop Believing"." 

We stepped out onto the stage like it would be the last time. 

Ryan:"As you now tonight one of them will be going home. First up we have Phillip and Ally." The last we heard from the both of you the judges thought you two sang the best. Dim the lights and here we go......"

I hate hearing him say that. You never know if its good or bad.

Ryan:" I can say that, BOTH of you are save tonight. Head over to the lounge and congratulations. Up next we have Megge, Lilly, and Joey."

Those three walked to the middle of the stage. For some reason I had a feeling that Megge was in the bottom 3. Over the past few weeks she didn't do so well and she explained to me the other day she was getting home sick. 

As it turned out I was RIGHT! Megge did end up being in the bottom three. I jut hope she stays. She is the one contestant that Rebecca and I got along with the best. 

Ryan:"We have Megge in the bottom three and now we have a few spots left for next weeks show. Can I have Rachel and Rebecca, Brian, and Salma come to the middle of the stage."

We all headed to the middle of the stage. Rebecca and I holding hands praying that we get to stay another week.  We aren't ready to leave. We still have SO much to give.  

I mean we do have to prepare for our upcoming TOUR and ALBUM but I love everyone here. 

Ryan:"Here we go. Last show all of you did great. Our guest judge thought that one of you stood out the most and that was Rachel and Rebecca. Did they take a good risk doing the original dance moves. Let's find out. Dim the lights and here we go... RIGHT after the break"

Not again! I really hate when he does. I guess that has to be done for views and ratings but its not fair for us. 

We went to commercial and I started shaking like more than normal. I started to get a headache. The next thing I knew I was sitting in a chair with the paramedic next to me.  

"What happened" I said.

"You fainted but you will be fine. Just drink more water. I guess you got really nervous." The paramedic said. 

A crew member came over letting us know we were about to come back from break.

Ryan:"Welcome back! Before the break we had Rachel and Rebecca, Brian, and Salma waiting the results. I have them here. Here we go, dim the lights..... I can let you know that TWO of you will be in the bottom three."

Now that can mean Rebecca and I or the both of them. 

Ryan:" The two joining Megge over there is.... Brian and Salma. Rachel and Rebecca head over your safe. Now we have Megge, Brian, and Salma who had your votes and who will be going home." 

Unfortunately,  Brian went home this result show and we were all upset. 

Ryan:"Brian is leaving this competition tonight. He had a great run and can't wait to see what he has next. Good Luck! Stay tuned for next weeks episode when the rest of the contestants take on a MILEY CYRUS hit! Goodnight!"

I was so excited we got to stay another week. I was happy that this week is all about Miley Cyrus. She was a HUGE inspiration to both of us. Basically the whole reason why we started singing. She was the very first concert we went to "Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus ft. Jonas Brothers". 

Well all I know is that next week we which I mean I have big shoes to fill sing we will be singing the ONE song that means the WORLD to me. 

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