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(H/T means hair type. I'm not trying to have that messy bun MF here 😃✌)


I was so tired and dehydrated because he kept drinking for so long.

"Do you have any water?"

"It turn out I do." He forced the bottle of water in my mouth but I was choking on it partially but I wasn't feeling dehydrated anymore.

"This is so cool. A blood bank as a friend. Man I miss having friends."

"Wait what happened?"

"I killed them." He stared back at me with such a scary look.

"I can't be bothered to use ur hand. WHY DON'T I TAKE UR WHOLE ARM INSTEAD!"

He pulled out a knife. Put a gag on my mouth and sliced the arm off. I was screaming and crying and kicking my legs about.

"Stop crying unless you want your leg off." I tried to stop crying but the pain was too much.

Maki's Brother POV

I was just drinking more and more of it. It was amusing to see that girl cry and squirm in misery. So delightful. Reminds me of the crappy people I met. Man the look and their faces was priceless. I was just enjoying the blood that I was drinking. Her eyes were blood shot from crying too much. I took the gag away from her mouth and threw it against the wall. I ruffled her H/T "You're not half bad yourself." Threw the chair she was on to the groud put the gag on her face again.

She wasn't crying it looked like I knocked he her out. She pulled he spare arm up from the chair and tried to break the chair by jumping but I pushed her away making her break her fall.

I took the gag off her and she said

"I think ur a curse user who feeds off blood. But I don't know in which book I have seen you from."

"Good let's keep it that way."

"But if you don't mind me asking what is your name?"

"Ask Makki when she comes in right about...... now."

She tried to stab me in the stomach but I pulled her over. "I already knew about your little ambush."

Maki POV (Before the ambush)

"I know exactly where he is. Everyone follow me."

They looked at me knowing they could trust me. We were running and saw that there were a few people guarding the place. Itadori used his raw strength to punch one of them knocking them out instantly.

"Why couldn't you have done that earlier?"

"We did try to fight him but he kept stabbing us multiple time and licking the blood. Thinking of that makes me shiver."

We heard a muffle scream on the inside. A guy pulled me back and put a knife to me throat. Before he could say anything he fell to the ground. I put weapon through him. I saw him knocked out.

We hid on the sides and went carefully around the traps. I bashed in.

"Now." He said as he pulled me over. He know about our ambush?!

"Oh sister you don't know how I know everything after how many years we have been training together and you still don't know."

"What are you doing Felix?"

He threw two knives in the direction of Nobara and Yuji instantly piercing their hands against the wall when they tried to free Y/N who was writhing in pain.

"Ah ah a-"

I pulled him over to the ground and put one knee against him. He looked very angry at the same time he looked surprised.

Megumi had rope and tied him up against a chair that we took Y/N out of and Gojo was carrying him back. We got back to the school and Gojo threw him down in the hall.

I put my wepon infront of him and asked.

"Do you know anything about this person called Mahito? PLUS HOW DID YOU BECOME STRONGER?"

"He was the one who cared when no one else will especially our father."

"Oh yeah that son of a bch who caused this in the first place hope he is enjoying hell. Anyways what else do you know. "

"Why am I telling you this stuff? I'm your older brother you're supposed to do what I say."

"Cause I'm not the one tied up in a chair right now for an interrogation. I am also stronger than you."

"You want a bet on that?"


Gojo went inbetween us "Can you two stop fighting who is stronger? We still need questions from him."

"I will never tell you anythi-" he put a gag around his mouth. He whispered something in his ear and his eyes filled with fear. His eyes widened. Gojo pulled off the gag.

"ILL TELL YOU EVERYTHING. Just please don't let that happen to me."

"Wow such a coward."

He began to explain on about what they used to do and where they would normally hide. Gojo was listening attentively with his hand in his pocket.

Nobara POV

This is the most I have seen any talk about anything. It must've been scary.

"That's all I know. Please don't let that happen."

"Ok now you can leave and get killed or get protective custody here." As he was texting on his phone.

"I'll stay here. Better than trying to find victims." He mumbled under his breath.

"What was that?"


Itadori showed him to his side of the dorm when I was going to sleep. Y/N woke up with a prosthetic arm. I'm just wondering if she is ok.

"I have to wear this for a while. Until they could heal it properly. Imma go back to my dorm."


I left Nobara's room but I couldn't help that slight feeling that someone is watching me from a distance. I don't know who. I may be overreacting.

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