viii. killers can't die

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As they used fire extinguisher to get rid of the rest of the fire, they all were still a bit anxious. "Come back from that, motherfuckers!" Simon shouted.

Yet when nothing seemed to happen they all felt a small sense of relief and laughed a little. That was until the killers remains began to move. "Guys." Josh called as they all watched in fear. A hand began to form and reached for Josh. "Holy!" He yelled. Before the hand could grab him Kate pulled him away and they began running.

They made their way to a classroom and started to block off the door so the killers couldn't get inside. "Come on! They're coming!" Deena yelled at them, trying to get them to move things faster.

"They're gonna keep coming!" Kate retaliated.

"We are in some deep shit." Sydney commented.

"We're fucked!" Simon shouted in agreement with Sydney.

"No, no! We are not fucked!" Kate corrected him. "She's fucked." She looked over at Sam. "They're coming for her. If we put Sam in the hall, we end this now." Kate told them.

"You're a monster." Deena said.

"I'm being reasonable!" Kate defended. "We can't run anymore. A bullet won't stop them, fine. They're really strong. But we just tried to goddamn explode them, and that didn't work!" Kate reminded her.

"You're suggesting killing her." Deena fired back.

"I mean, that's not exactly what she's saying." Josh interjected.

"Oh, you're on her side?" Deena questioned him.

Josh said nothing in return to the accusation as Kate continued to push on the idea of putting Sam in the hall, "You let us all die to protect her. Look at this." Kate took Josh's backpack and started placing the newspaper articles on the table. "Dead, dead, dead! This is the way. It's the only way." She told her. "Sam's gotta go." She stated.

"Deena..." Sydney mumbled, giving Deena a look that showed she agreed with Kate.

Deena looked at Sam, who looked anxious. "Are you kidding me?" Deena asked in anger.

Nobody said anything until Sam sighed. "Kate's right." Sam agreed. "I don't want you guys to die for me. I'm going. I'm ending this." She decided.

"No, you're not." Deena argued. "Are you crazy?" She asked her. Sam said nothing but pressed her forehead against Deena's. "No." Deena mumbled. Sam let out a shaky breath and headed for the door. "No, Sam! Sam! Sam!" Deena shouted as Simon blocked her from getting to Sam, who was leaving for the hall. "Let me go! Let me...Sam!" Deena yelled. Kate locked the door back up when Sam fully left the room. "Let me go. Let me go!" She fought off Simon. "Help me! Help!" She begged Josh, but Josh only looked down and away from his sister.

Deena begged more until Josh had discovered something, making them pull Sam back in. "What...what...what is going on?" Sam questioned as the banging of the Camp Nightwing killer's axe banged on the door.

"You're not doing this alone." Kate told her.

"There's another way." Josh added. "C. Berman. She's the key." He explained simply. The banging on the door got louder and harder, Josh explained how C. Berman survived Camp Nightwing to Sam as Sydney, Deena, and Kate all searched for C. Berman's number.

"I got it! C. Berman!" Kate shouted. "9006 Brennan Way. This has gotta be her!" As she spoke Deena raced to the phone. "Uh, 155-4747!" She read aloud.

Deena dialed the number and waited for someone to pick up. "No one's answering!" Deena told them anxiously.

"I need some help here!" Simon called as the axe continued to hit the door.

Kate and Sydney jumped up to help Simon guard the door. "No one's there!" Deena said. "Hello, my name is Deena Johnson. I think you saw the with!" Deena explained.

Suddenly, the axe cut through the door. "This thing is not gonna hold!" Simon yelled as the three tried keeping the killers out.

"We need to know how you survived!" Deena added.

Josh took the phone from her. "Hey! We're being attacked, alright? There are killers here!" He shouted at the phone.

The axe cut deeper into the door. "If you're there, please pick up! Please answer!" Deena begged. Something must have happened over the phone because she slammed it down. "Fuck! No!" She yelled.

Just as this happened the axe finally got through the door enough where the Nightwing killer could grab Simon by the hair. Simon begins screaming as Kate and Sydney try to help him get free. "Help!" Kate shouts.

Josh scrambles to find anything and comes over to stab the killer with a pencil, freeing Simon from his grasp. The four of them kept trying to guard the door from the killers, it getting harder as the killers got madder.

Deena and Sam began discussing how C. Berman had died and although Sydney could only hear bits and pieces, she knew they had figured something out that could get them out of this shit.

"The fucking rhyme!" Deena yelled, trying to remember what Sarah Fier's rhyme was.

"She'll take your blood, she'll take your head! She'll follow you-"

"Until you're dead." Sam and Deena finished for Simon.

"What are you saying?" Kate asked the two.

"Fuck it. I'm dying tonight one way or another. Let's try to bring me back." Sam said. Just before the Nightwing killer could get in, the group of teens escaped through the window, screaming as they made their way back to the ambulance.

"Let's Timothy this bitch!" Simon said, in reference to his brother who had overdosed on drugs. They began driving away from the school and making their way to the grocery store where Simon worked. As they made their way in the ambulance, Sydney grabbed onto Simon's hand, holding it like it was the only thing keeping her alive. "You alright?" Simon asked her.

Sydney nodded. "Just scared." She stated plainly.

Simon sighed. "I get it. I'm pretty fucking scared too." He told her. "But we're gonna be ok. After we end this bullshit you and I can go bowling." He promised her.

Sydney smiled at him. "What happened to the movies?" She asked with a laugh.

Simon shrugged. "We can do both." He added, making Sydney laugh a little more.

"Then let's end this fucking thing so we can go bowling."

THE CHAIN,  simon kalivodaWhere stories live. Discover now