blush, really?

401 13 12


_I love you.

**Some days ago**

"Min yoongi get your ass out of bed now we're going to be late"I heard jin hyung yelling outside my room, omg the same issue every day. Every time we had to do anything in the early morning of course yoongi won't wake up and this would happen ,

"Jimineiii.. please wake up yoongi we have to go and you're the only one can get him up"jin hyung said his eyes is glowing with anger. That happens every time I swear, Why is it always me!,"fine hyung, don't worry leave it me" I said and he quickly left the room, I think he needs to wake up the rest

I left my room and went to yoongi hyung shared room with hobi. I knocked on the door twice but when I got no replies I knew hobi wasn't inside and it's just hyung sleeping. I entered the room carefully and of course there is min yoongi sleeping peacefully while we have fucking important dance practice now.

I got closer to him and started shaking him softly,"hey hyung,you need to wake up we have to go"I said and all I got was soft muffins and no response. I shook my head slightly and tried again,

"Hyung , please wake up before jin hyung kick our asses actually joonie hyung is keeping him calm till now and I don't know how he manages to do this" I found myself rumbling to sleeping yoongi.

He looked so peaceful and cute isn't it bad to ruin this beautiful scenery? I thought to myself. I slapped myself mentally, My thoughts are not organised around him I don't know why maybe it's agust d swag?maybe

I shook him really hard this time wishing he would wake up before jin come kick our asses for real,"what are you doing with your face so close in the morning?"I heard grumpy voice says to me,

I backed away quickly trying to hide my blush why would I even blush like that!yeah it was his over swag for sure,"I am obviously waking you up because we have dancing practice in half hour and you're still in your bed" I said trying to sound more like myself and trying to hide my nervousness.

"Okay I am up"he said and stood up leaving the room to me and my thoughts.
Why does he have to be this attractive in the morning. actually he is always attractive,of course I was not admiring his looks because I like him in anyway it's just I wanted to be attractive too, yeah that's it.

All of us were sat on the floor in our living room, of course cause the couch was occupied by half sleeping min yoongi. jungkook sitting on taehyung's lap used to be something strange but now we're used to it. hobi sat next to me while our mum was standing next to dad waiting for him to state the plans for the day.

"Okay so we're going to have our breakfast from our pretty chef jin"namjoon paused looking at jin hyung and jin blush can blind you from shining in the sun,"then we're going to our dance practice,we have to practice the whole day and min yoongi please wake up for fuck's sake" he said yelling at sleeping min yoongi.

"And for the night we can watch a movie from hobi choosing,is that okay with all of you,any questions?"namjoon finished and we all shook our heads except for the sleeping beauty of course.

We dragged yoongi to the kitchen and had breakfast all together. We dressed for the day, I dressed in black pants and black loose shirt and made my best pony tail of course it's the most tiring day ever,the dance practice was so tiring,

We arrived at the studio and started placing our bags and stretching,yoongi hyung is wide awake now and his swag is all over me I can't keep my thinking off him,

"Need something chim?"yoongi asked me suddenly. of course I was staring at him how idiotic he's going to think I am a creep now,"nothing hyung I was just lost in my thoughts"I said and turned my head mentally slapping myself at the lame excuse I just said. really park jimin?lost in thoughts?how idiotic.

We finally finished the long ass practice. every muscle in my body ached I need a bed now. I understand now the love relationship between yoongi hyung and beds.

We got back home and we all went straight to showers agreeing to meet in the living room in 30 minutes more to jin hyung's annoyance of course because he needed to do his skin care routine,

We all finished, I dressed in white oversized shirt and black shorts to be more comfortable and walked out already seeing namjoon sitting on the couch with tae,hobi and yoongi hyung surprisingly he wasn't sleeping,

I went to the kitchen to help kookie and jin hyung with snacks. We came back with 4 bowls of pop corn and chips, jungkook of course hopped on tae's lap leaving me and jin hyung,"guess we have to sit on the floor this time"I said to jin and started to look for comfortable spot so my ass won't be sour later,

"Guess no this time jinie is sitting here"namjoon said taping his lap for jin to sit on it!! I raised my eyebrows really?"I am the only one on the floor? you're so mean"I said to all of them while trying to find a spot again.

"You have two free laps you could use"tae said gesturing to yoongi and hobi,"who said I am okay with that?"yoongi said back to tae glaring at him. I didn't really know why,"I don't have two now I am not choosing then it's hobi hyung's lap"I said slowly trying not to sound so sad I don't even know why I felt so sad all of sudden.

I started walking towards hobi hyung when suddenly a hand grabbed my wrist stopping me,"where do you think you're going? just sit here"yoongi said and suddenly I was grabbed down to his lap. Did he just grab me to his lap?and why am I fucking blushing!!

"You said you don't want to"I said softly to him trying to gather myself,"I never said I don't want to"he said and I could see his gummy smile even in the dark. how beautiful.

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