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It was my birthday and as usual it's not my favourite day of the year,but this year I will make it special, I am planning to tell jin hyung that I like him since so long,

How beautiful he looks,how special he is,how his cooking is my favourite,how beautiful his voice is, everyone is shipping us even the members,in fact they know that I have had feelings for jin hyung,

But the problem is jin hyung himself,he doesn't even know that I love him,how could he! I even lied to jimin to sleep with him in the same room, that's why I decided today is the day, I am making my birthday special,

"Yongiahhhh"I said trying to wake that grandpa up, actually I haven't told anyone about liking jin hyung except for suga of course he lived with me the longest, he guessed it and I never denied it,

"Shut the fuck up namjoon or I will kick your ass"he replied and shifted to his side to face me,"hyung you're my best friend you know"I said trying to sound cute but completely failed,

"What do you want just spit it don't give me shit"he said annoyingly,"I do really need something but you're still my best friend"I paused and looked at him to see if he is going to say something, but he waited for me to speak again,

"Look,you know how much I like jin hyung, right?"I said looking for approval to complete,he nodded"and it's my birthday I decided I would make it special by confessing, what do you think?"I said smiling sheepishly,

"I think it's good idea, and I told you hundred times to confess already, I think everyone knows it"he said and covered his face with blankets and I think that's my cue to leave,"work with your advice"I said sarcastically,"go to hell"he said giving me middle finger,yes that's my best friend,

I left to my room without any words and no one was home it's the vocal line rehearsal for their song and hobi is practicing I think dancing, I don't really know I just went to my room to wait for jin to come back,

I woke up when someone knocked on my room,wow I think I fell asleep while waiting for jin,"happy birthday to our beautiful leader"they all said together as soon as I opened the door it was jimin,tae,kookie,hobi and grandpa suga, I don't even know how they managed to get him up,omg I love those children,

"Thank you so much guys you're the best"I said hugging them and I noticed jin wasn't there,"umm guys where is jin hyung"I said trying to sound not to sad because jin wasn't there,

"He said he has something important to do and told us to tell you happy birthday for him"my heart sank as soon as jimin stopped talking,he has something more important than me and here I am wanting to tell him I like him, okay it's my usual birthday then,

"Thank you again guys but I really need to sleep now good night"I said and marched to my room not waiting for their response,

Jin hyung always the first one to plan surprise birthday parties and he is always there,why in my birthday?is the problem with me?I was just closing my eyes, I didn't dare to open them,my heart aches every muscle in my chest felt numb,why is this happening to me,

I felt someone's hand holding my waist from behind, I shifted my body to see who he is,"shh don't talk I have something to tell you"jin hyung said softly as soon as I turned to face him,

He hugged me and looked up at me shit my heart is going to explode what is he doing hugging me in my bed like this,"I wanted to surprise you later because I wanted to tell you something alone you know"he said and looked at me again, shit stop doing that jin you're making me nervous,

I nodded for him to complete,"they told me you're sad and went to bed I couldn't stand it so I cancelled my idea it was silly anyway"he said slowly,"I don't mind anything from you hyung"I said not trusting my voice,"okay stand up"he said grabbing my hand to pull me up,

"What is it hyung"I said jokingly,he went out of the room and came back with a heart shaped omg that's so cute,"happy birthday to you, happy birthday to youu, happy birthday to joonie happy birthday to you"he finished and came to face me,my heart omg how is he being so cute like this,

"Make a wish namjoonah"he said softly and I am sure my eyes were heart shaped now,"I wish I can kiss you right now"I said without thinking and blew off the candle,

I'm sure my heart is going to stop anytime now ,jin jin hyung did he just kiss me?am I dreaming?"I granted your wish namjoonie, I wish you happy birthday, I love you"he said and shit I am done with that,

I grabbed his waist and smashed our lips together, I kissed him slowly with lust, I don't remember how many times I fantasized about this,"I wanted to say it first hyung you stole my confession"I said pouting,

"I waited so long for you to say it namjoon and you never did, I thought I would make your birthday special and I would say it first because you won't say it forever"he said softly,

"You knew??"I asked surprisingly, "everyone knows joon it's just you who thinks that no one knows,"he said and I nodded slowly taking him to my embrace again,

"I love you hyung",
"I love you joonie".
That's for namjoon hyung birthday,
I imagined it like this and I hope you like it❤️

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