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I woke up to find myself in bed?how did I even arrive here , I look at the two beds in my shared room with jungkook and tae, actually it wasn't arranged like this I was supposed to share with namjoon hyung but he said the maknae line need to stay together? I don't know I just assumed he wanted to share the room with jin hyung,

I smiled at my realization, actually all of us knew that our dad had feelings for mum but they are in Daniel and what about th.. I didn't even complete my sentence and there jungkook and tae cuddling in kook's bed!

Why am I the only single one! that's so unfair but what about yoongi hyung?shit what is it about him again Park jimin stop thinking of your hyung you asshole, I mentally punched myself and got up to see if the breakfast was ready by anyway.

I opened my door to so distracting picture in the morning jin hyung is sleeping on top of namjoon, actually that was not it I might even take pictures of this ,the distract came from the next couple yoongi is sleep sitting and hobi hyung is resting his head on him!

Why!why it's not me, I was the one sitting on his lap, I growled and walked back to the room but this time tae was up but still cuddling with kookie, so much love for my eyesight in the morning is not healthy,

"Morning taetae"I said while flopping down to my bed again,"morning jiminie what's wrong?you look like suga why are you so grumpy?"he asked innocently and I got nervous again and I don't even know why!

"Hey taehyung how did I get to my bed last night?"I asked him and he shifted himself to look at me,"yoongi hyung carried you"he said sounding like it's usual thing for yoongi to carry me and I felt my cheeks grow redder than usual,

"Wh..what happened?"I asked again not meeting his gaze,"you slept after the film started immediately and yoongi hyung left you there unbothered but jin said you need to sleep in bed ,even namjoon being the so sweet husband to jin hyung said he will carry you, but yoongi said he will, and got up and left the room with you like a bride"he finished talking squeaking looking like a high school girl oh my god,

"Tae shut up please"jungkook said while he is sleeping and taehyung kissed his cheeks softly and turned to me again,"he came back after that saying he would sleep now but we forced him to complete the film, after that jungkook slept on me but of course jungkook is not light like you I couldn't lift him of course so I wake him up and we came to sleep here,we found you tugged in blankets and it looked like yoongi's work"he said after alot of rumbling,

"Okay just shut up you're so active in the early morning"I said turning my back to him and noted thanking hyung later for bringing me to bed,now I will just get some sleep until.."wake up three of you in the kitchen in ten minutes"jin hyung just bragged in our room suddenly and left,

I woke up immediately, I didn't want to sleep anymore actually,"what is for breakfast jin hyung do I get any jam?"I asked smiling at him sheepishly as I walked in,"no jam jiminei sorry"he said and I pouted, of course no jam for me I knew it

"Could you please wake up the sleeping heads on the sofa"jin asked me and I nodded and went to the living room, shit hobi is still sleeping on yoongi's shoulder , why did this even concern me anyway! I stood there looking at them,

"They look like a couple"tae said teasingly while passing bedside me, wait what? teasing?did he caught me looking at them, I don't mind tae know anything about me,he is my best friend anyway,"a couple of best friends"I said after awhile of thinking I don't even know where this came from,

"namjoon hyung,jin wants you in the kitchen"I said trying to wake him up and he woke up immediately,"wow that's effective"I said and moved to wake hobi hyung,

"Hobiii hyung wake up"I said more like whining more than talking,"I am up jimin"he said and stood up leaving the so beautiful sleeping yoongi to wake up, I gulped and shook him softly trying to wake him up without talking,

"Hyung just wake up why are you the hardest one to wake up"I said after giving up trying without talking,"do you need to bring your face this close every morning?"he suddenly said I didn't even notice him waking up,"sorry hyung"I said and backed away looking at the floor,"l never said I don't like it"yoongi suddenly whispered that in my ear and that turned me into a tomato,

Everyone knew that my ears are so sensitive why is he whispering like this to them,"jimin come now we want to eat"jin said snatching me out of my thoughts.

After we finished eating we went to the living room and I sat beside hobi looking with him to our Twitter on his phone because I am lazy to get up and get my phone, I was just observing when a hashtag caught my eyes,

I blushed fiercely I knew what that hashtag mean, I didn't know why I played dumb and asked hobi about it maybe I just wanted to know more,

"Hobi hyung what is that hashtag yoonmin means?"I asked pointing to the screen trying to hide my nervousness,"you don't know what is that?"he asked me and I nodded my head quickly,

"Okay better show it to you"he said and clicked the link to open

I started choking omg what is that why does this have to be the first image,"are you okay jiminei?"hobi asked worriedly,"yeah I am fine hyung but what was that?"I said trying to sound like I don't really know what was that,

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I started choking omg what is that why does this have to be the first image,"are you okay jiminei?"hobi asked worriedly,"yeah I am fine hyung but what was that?"I said trying to sound like I don't really know what was that,

"Actually it's called fanart ,fans do this to two people they ship together and before you ask what is ship,ship is to find to people have a great Chemistry so you wish they could date"he said breathlessly,"and that was me and yoongi hyung?they find us good together?"I asked trying to sound like I didn't really know the whole plot shit,

"Even I think that jimin"hobi said winking and leaving the room,omg even hobi ship us!but why..

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