Chapter Five: Hello Ellie!

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I couldn't upload during the summer due to SEVERAL problems with my internet, computer, and then later on the death of my grandfather to Covid... but I should be back in business for now.
I don't wanna talk about it, moving on.



Andrew wakes up at his save box... THING... He's starting to think they're much more than a simple machine... evidence being he can see his transfurred former body entertwined with the female yufeng from before.

He continues onward, smiling at the beifeng and yufeng couple that until a few seconds ago he was a part of. "...Honestly... I feel safe, around these guys. They used to terrify me, but that's not the case anymore..."

And he heads into the next room...
...where his eyes snap to the monster at the other end.
Six feet tall sitting down and twice that on her feet, the young Elder Yufeng skims through a book on her crystal throne...

...with the exit door immediately to her left.
There's no way I can get out without her seeing me... shit. I hope to God she doesn't kill me.

One step forward. Two steps-
Looking down at his goo stained feet, Andrew comes to the conclusion that one of those bubbles of dark latex was there...
The same kind that got him 'attacked' by the dark latex she-wolf.

Shaking a bit, he looks up, into the derg's twin emerald green eyes.

"Hello, human."

"I-umm... H-h-h-hi...?" He takes a step back towards the door... which, of course, is suddenly blocked off by two massive crystals.

"HEY! W-what's the big deal?! Lemme out!" Panic stricken, he turns back to her...

"I'm afraid it won't be that simple, human. You see, um..."

"...Alright fuck the old timey talk." She thumps a paw on the ground, causing the room to rumble.

Jumping forward onto a patch of glass/ice, Andrew darts towards the door, a small trail of crystals popping up behind him. Seems that the big gal is hostile, but...

Why wouldn't she just get up and grab me? I'd bet she could just turn me that way... unless she's just playing with her food right now...

Dodging more and more crystalline spikes, the human nears his goal of the exit door, only to see that there's a small flock of those dragon things in the way. Spotting him, they flap towards him, chirping excitedly.

"...oh for God's sake, leave me alone!" He tries his best to shoo them away, slipping on the next ice patch and skidding along it on his ass.

...and bumping into something large, black-scaled and heavy.
Before he can react, a massive paw closes around him and lifts him into its owner's lap.

"...A-ack?! Hey! This isn't how this is supposed to go! Lemme down!"

"...Hehehe... Calm down, ya silly, I'm not planning on hurting you! I'm just gonna do this.~"

Before Andrew can ask what the hell 'this' is, his shirt's off and those massive fingers are tracing their way down his back. He shudders and groans at the cold paws' embrace.

The dragoness keeps rubbing, purring.
"I'm sure you have tons of questions, like 'Who the fuck is this big derg in my way?!' and 'How long have I been out?' or 'How the hell do I escape this goo-filled nightmare?' Well... I'll tell you everything. Just lay back and relax... Andrew."


"My name is Ellie. It's a pun on my father's name, the Elder One, or just Elder for short."

"As for your downtime... welp, I have no idea! Heehee. I DO know that it's been over ten years since those scientists evacuated the building after the refugees stormed it, trying to escape that nasty virus."

"A-a virus?! W-what do you mean-"

"Shush and lemme finish! Thirdly, and most important, 'How do I escape.' I know... m-my Dad knows a guy in the library who can help you more with that. But it'll be risky business getting there, so be on guard."

"...Ooooh-kaaaay... You still haven't told me about the virus. What the hell happened out there?!"

"I... I d-don't want to talk about it. I don't know what happened, just that we were created to be a cure to the virus. Something... something went wrong and the people outside went to war with each other over a cure."
"...I-I don't think many people are left alive."

"...are you... Are you sure?"

The dragon bows her head, a shadow falling across her eyes. "I am."

With a gesture from her left paw, she lowers the spikes across the exit door, which slowly hisses open. 
"...You need to go. I... I need to think something over... Please just leave me alone, alright?"

He clambers gently out of her massive lap, patting one of her legs.
"...Ellie... Stop being so hard on yourself, alright? It wasn't your fault that this 'virus', if that was even a thing, caused this war. If anything, I should be having a nervous breakdown now, not you."
Heading out, Andrew walks through a row of yufeng and dark latex... strangely, they don't attack him, instead following him at a distance. As he gets to the end of the hallway, a paw closes around his shoulder and spins him around.

"...H-hooman! Thank chu fow staying~!"
"Stay safe out there."
"Gud luck!"
"Bai bai fow now."
"Come back soon!"
"We'll miss you..."

"...I-Umm-Ah- WHAT?!" Confused, he pats the yufeng who tapped his shoulder on its mask, and walks out, the wolves and dragons waving goodbye to him.
...Ooookay, they love me now...? Did Ellie do something? 

---End of Part One: Office---
---Now loading Part Two: Greenhouse...---


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