Chapter 21; Hello my Old Heart

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Dream had been in the prison for over a month before Sapnap and Tommy had made their move.

Despite not much time having passed however, the man was already showing signs of malnutrition. He'd lost weight visibly in his face and arms, his muscles already having shrank and cheekbones protruding.

Whatever they were feeding him- if anything at all- was clearly not enough.

The second most notable thing about Dream's appearance was the dirty gauze wrapping his arms and legs. Stained with old dry blood and soot from the flames that would pop off the lava and lick at the floor leaving stains in their wake.

He had many more scars as well.

A large one that traced across his cheek in a large 'X' stood out the most.

"Cut the crap Sapnap, why are you here?" Dream had asked. Piercing emerald eyes landed on his friend and Sapnap swallowed hard. He was starting to feel more and more as though he should not have come here.

This was a bad idea.

"Wait for me to talk," Sapnap said. Dream wasn't exactly sure why he was being told to wait but he furrowed a brow and obliged the man. Sapnap was of course actually addressing Tommy who was in the room, made completely invisible by the works of some potions Philza had helped them in creating for this ordeal.

The lava between Sam and the three of them was still slowly lowering and once it had entirely. Sapnap's eyes landed on Dream again.

"Dream... Tell me... Tell me what you did to Tommy," Sapnap wasn't even sure how he was going to word that. How much he wanted to know or how Dream would respond. But if he could get Dream to be honest for once...

Honest with Sapnap, honest with himself. Honest with Tommy...

If he could get Dream to speak about what he did and why. Maybe Tommy would finally see the truth as well.

What better way to make a man be honest than to make him feel like he had nothing left to lose.

Dream laughed suddenly at that. A sound that made Sapnap flinch and take a step back.

Dream lifted himself up from the floor and pulled a bit at the metal collar that hung from his neck. The chains clicked as he walked to his sink and splashed the stale warm water over his face.

"What, you want to know about how I used to beat him?" Dream asked without even looking at the man. "How I used to destroy everything he had and make him work to get it all over again just for it to be destroyed? How I made him think none of his friends liked him?"

Dream did look at Sapnap for the next thing he said.

"Or you want to know about how I tied him to a tree overnight and watched from afar while he struggled to survive the monsters that the night had to offer," Dream shook some droplets of water from his hands and walked over to Sapnap whose face had fallen.

"How is he anyway? I miss him, little brat," Dream chuckled, using the term 'brat' endearingly. "He turned out to be such a great soldier, you know. I get why Wilbur used him in the wars, he's a loyal pup- loyal to a fault."

"He's... Not doing great," Sapnap answered honestly. "Why did you do all those things, Dream?"

"Why? Well... It was fun at first. Revenge kind of, kid had been such a thorn in my side for so long," Dream admitted. "Then I guess, after his friends never showed up and it was just me- it became easy. So, so easy to break him and make him mine. I'm the only one who ever visits you, Tommy."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2021 ⏰

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