Chapter 18: HE'S FASTER THAN ME?!?!?!, She has no WHAT NOW?!?!?!

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** scene/expression/POV change

*Flask Plan Lab Floor 1*

*1st pov*

We had started our infiltration/attack on the flask plan lab and were on our way to make it out of the first floor maze when we came across a tall, dark skinned man by the name of Takachiho Shigusa, a man who is quick to dodge, a little too quick for my liking. In any case, he wanted a challenge, and unfortunately for Medaka, I don't take too kindly to pricks who don't take my punches.

Medaka: *smiles* I shall be part of your experiment. After all, *strips back into school uniform* I wanted an opportunity to see how much I improved!

(Y): *mad* You ain't the only one Medaka. * throws off pants to reveal he's in gym shorts* I'm getting in on this too!

Shigusa: *smirks* Tres bien. I was expecting this from the both of you. The perfect Student Council President, and her loyal pet.

(Y): *pissed* PET?!?!?!?! I'll show you who's a pet to who!!!!!!

I then charged a Shigusa as I pulled back my arm and threw a punch, however, even at my speed, that man was able to somehow dodge me as my fist instead connected with the wall to his side and got lodged before I pulled it out.

Shigusa: *smirks* You have pluck, the both of you. However, the flask plan exists because there is no such thing as a perfect human. You both have your skills, but you still have flaws. Therefore, neither of you can be perfect. I will strip you both down.

(Y): *angry* You'll have to kill me first!

I charge at him yet again and while to the others, they may not see what is going on, to me, I can see it clearly. I go for a swing, and somehow he is able to dodge with ease. I go for a kick and he steps to the side, I go for a sweep and he manages to jump over me. and land behind me.

Shigusa: *smirks* Now now, before we really get started, I just want to say a few things. First, this little storage device here, *pulls out necklace from his shirt* contains all my research data. 

We all looked at him somewhat confused as he dangled it out in front of us.

Shigusa: I hear you've come to stop the Flask Plan, right?

(Y): *gritting teeth* Well stop, destroy it all, burn it with fire, whichever you think best fits.

Medaka: *smirks* You actually brought your data with you?

Shigusa: *smirks* No biggie. Just giving you a reason to fight. You aren't as easy to persuade as your pet there.

(Y): *pissed* I will burn you first.

Shigusa: *smirks* Of course, if you think you can easily take this thing by force, you're sorely mistaken.

Medaka: *smiles* I accept. 

(Y): *glares* You're both sorely mistaken if you think I'm gonna sit out of this fight.

Shigusa: *smirks* Two on one, I like those odds. * gets into boxing stance*

Medaka then got into a boxing stance just like Shigusa's as the two began bouncing in place. Shigusa seemed to be only paying attention to Medaka, so I decided to use this to my advantage. I sprinted towards him, jumped up onto the wall and went for a flying punch. Despite him not looking towards me, he was able to move out of the way before I could hit him, leaving me to having to roll out and jump back up so that I was standing beside Medaka.

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