The Black Leopard

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Name: Koa

Surname: Solaris 

Age: 16 - 29 (depends on rp)

Gender: female 

Appearance: She has long black hair that goes down her back tied in a plat, she has pure black skin with light grey spots. Koa wears a sleeveless grey jacket, with a blood red shirt blue jeans and red boots and white fingerless gloves. She has round midnight black spotted ears and tail. She wears a pure white skull, a blue crystal earring on her left ear, and has a tattoo on her back and left arm. Her eyes are a dark purple with black and white slits

Sexuality: bisexual 

Height: 5,5 

Likes: being alone, protecting her loved ones, being in fights, any kind of weapons, having her friends around, hiding in trees to ambush her enemies or trespassers in her territory

Dislikes: her friends or family hurt, trespassers in her territory, people or hunters touching her ears or tail. The smell of humans

Personality: cold at times when you first meet her, quiet, keeps to herself kind of person, is protective, stubborn 

Species: black leopard (known as also a black panther=>=)

Mate: none 

Scars: on her back, over her left eye

Tattoos: a rose on her arm and a skull on her back 

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