Vampire Boi

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Name: Samuel Lynx

Age:  300 years old (looks 25)

gender: male 

height: 7'1

Species: Vampire

looks: {bellow}

looks: {bellow}

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Sexuality: Pansexual 

Personality:  Samuel is quiet at first but as he slowly warms up to you he'll start talking, he can be a little aggressive if he didn't feed in a week or two. Samuel does have a gentle heart unless you've managed to gain his trust more. He can be a little protective of his loved ones and territory as well if you enter it trespassing. 

Likes: sweet blood, hunting, reading a book, 'Playing with his food', spying, protecting his clan, cute humans 

dislikes: sour blood, his prey escaping,  vampire hunters, getting sunburnt, having to hide until sundown 

role: Heir to be the next leader of his clan 

mate: none 

Scars: a few on his back and a long scar over his left eye

earing(s): one black stud on his lope and to ring like rings on the top of his ear

tattoo(s): two black roses on his chest 

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