Sleepless nights

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It was another one of those lonely, sleepless nights. Was it even night time? Rrenar didn't know for sure. It's been a while since he left his ship, the Stella Argentea. The star destroyer has been gracefully hovering over Coruscant for what felt like years now. He could only guess, but his inner clock told him it should be around time to rest. He was tired, the last few days he spent compiling data, analyzing battles and listening to boring, hours long meetings he had no say in, sometimes interrogating recently captured rebel prisoners. It was quite boring and repetative. Especially for someone who grew up in war and is used to the battlefield.

As he laid there on his bench-like bed, he was listening to the distant humming of the ship's constantly active secondary engines and cooling system, footsteps banging above his head and outside his door, felt the chilling breeze coming from the ventilation shaft above his head. The cold touched his skin softly, lifting locks of his hair as it continued to drain the room's temperature.

Rrenar was deep in thought. He begun to notice lately, how his troops and officers turned away from him, almost seeming like they're afraid to look him in the eyes, avoiding his gaze as much as possible. The incident spread fast, as expected. Was it really his fault? That incompetent lieutenant was asking for trouble when he refused to follow orders... But at the same time.. he wasn't blaming the young boy that much, it was his home he was supposed to bomb to the ground. How would he have reacted.. The agent was starting to regret his quick actions. The court-martial will have a word to say about it too.. Dammit,  was that operation even necessary? For all those people to just.. die? Those weren't just simple rebels, those were defenseless individuals with children. And he gave the order.. all that blood dried on his hands now. 

He became dizzy even thinking about it and felt a slight pain in his chest. That isn't what he signed up for, it wasn't what he wanted to do! He wanted to bring peace and prosperity to everyone, but all he did was destroy and plant seeds of fear amongst all around him. And those seeds will grow into a twisted vine-forest eventually, where he'll be trapped, like a wild animal in a cage.

He visited one of the captured "rebel"'s cell today. The woman refused to speak a word with him, and when he tried to calm her, she bursted out in tears and hit him on the face, yelling about how could he have done it.. he couldn't forget the pain and sorrow he saw in the lady's eyes. She clearly had lost family or someone close to her. But was he supposed to feel bad for that? He was questioning himself.

Now he felt even more terrible. He clutched his hands and turned to his side, still hearing the murmurs of the engines, that cold sound that ate its way into his ears, his heart. A sound he will never forget and will always tie to these nights.

(Bit more emotion centerred part, idk if I'm good with writing about this stuff, I don't understand emotions too well-
Also, no illustration for this for now, maybe later.)

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