To Forgive but Not to Forget

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Hello, my lovelies...

No time no see!!!

If you're reading thiz than this means you've made it to the second book of the second chances trilogy.

Sorry if I'm a bit late in posting, as I've been very busy with school stuff that I didn't have time to write the story 🙏🙏

But I'm back now,so enjoy 😊😊😊

-Kate ❤

Jiang Cheng POV

“I love you too,A-Cheng-” 

“You have taken my heart,Jiang Wangyin!”

“A-Cheng, A-Yao is my sworn brother, there for he is my responsibility,”

“A-Cheng, it’s not what you think,”


Memories run around in my head of the man that single handedly mended my heart and broke it to pieces.

“A-Cheng, will you ever forgive me?” asked the man in question, showing a look of desperation and all traces of smile whipped from his face.

 Which is an expression that rarely escapes a Lan,even in their toughest moments.

“Do you hate me A-Cheng?” Lan Xichen continued to ask me,this time I could see his eyes start to glisten.

I sighed. He hurt me.

He raised me up into the Clouds,healed all of my wounds, and made me intrust my heart to him.

Only to drop me from the kies and in the process gave me more wounds than ever before as well as crushing my already battered heart.

I sighed again, but then everytime I look at him,everytime I’m near him, everytime I spend even just a moment alone with him…

Gods, it’s like my anger just melts away and I almost forget what he did to me and most importantly what he did to us.

I realized after I met him again in the Cloud Recesses and worked together with him to cover our brothers’ tracks that I could never hate him and that I’ve already forgiven him.

And that is what I tell the man in front of me, the man that when he heard what I’ve said these words of forgiveness pulled me to him and held me tightly, like I meant the world to him…

That I am his world.

But judging from past experiences and I am a quick study, that is certainly not the case.

So I force myself to let go of that loving but torturous embrace and distance myself from him.

“Lan Xichen, I have forgiven you and like I’ve said I don’t think I’ll ever hate you,no matter what you did…” I said and I took a deep breath before continuing.

“But I don’t forget, I don’t think I’ll ever forget,” I said,whispering that statement at the end.

“A-Cheng, I don’t know what-” he tried to say but I cut him off. Tired with all this arguing,tired of the heartache that comes with it.

“You don’t know what happened.” I continued his sentence. The sentence he kept repeating over and over again after that accident, next to the words I’m sorry and please forgive me.

And I am tired of hearing those words.

“Lan Xichen!” I called his name.

“I already know all that I need to know. That night, when I saw you entangled with your sworn brother that came back to life, with your A-Yao,” I sneered at that name.

He was about to say something but   raised my hands to stop him.

“I don’t care how you ended up entangled with him in our bed, how you ended up calling his name,oh, so lovingly, like you did me, when you caressed him so softly as if he was the most precious thing in the world,I…” I stopped when I realised stray tears made their way from my eyes,down to my cheeks.

I looked up at him and saw that he is in no better shape than I am. Well, at least in this goodbye, I know he at least cares to some extent.

“I only care that you did,” I forced myself to finish these last words.

“Lan Xichen, you are the only man that I’ve ever loved and sincerely hoped that I would be yours. But, I suppose it was only wishful thinking on my part, for that I apologize.” I said and bowed to him.

I excused myself and walked away.

Living the Gentle Cloud and my past with him behind.

I’m sorry A-niang, I know you wanted me to give him a chance to explain but the thing is that I do not
care for explanations, I only care about the deed.

I for all my merits and wisdoms that I’ve attained throughout my years is still an unforgiving man and I cannot see myself seeing past what he did, what they both did.

I walked out of Gusu and mounted Sandu,getting ready to return to my home.

When I heard a voice from behind me. A voice I know so well. His voice.

I ignored it and proceeded to fly away when I felt a big tug from behind me which made me fall back and as result made me slip from Sandu and into strong arms.

He proceeded to chase after Sandu that fell as it lost connection with me while still holding me against his chest.

I froze in shock, only to come to when he put Sandu right in front of me.I took it and put back in it’s sheath, knowing full well the prowess of the arms of a Lan, it would be futile and would only endanger both of us if I continue to struggle.

“What is the meaning of this Lan Xichen?” I hissed,trying to calm myself by focusing on the night’s cool air around my skin.

He and I decided  that it’s time to talk about our past,considering that we’re both sect leaders and that our sect is very closely related thanks to Wuxian’s marriage to Hanguang-jun and A-niang’s close friendship with Qingheng-jun.

So we decided to meet at the Hanshi,considering that this was my last day as a visiting teacher in the Cloud Recesses.

“I’m never going to let you go again. The last time I did, you-” he stopped mid sentence.

I grimaced,remembering full well what happened on that night.

The night, I died.

We stayed in silence for a while.

Contemplating on what to say next. 

I took a deep breath and turned my face towards his,only to realise that it was a mistake,considering that now that our faces are but inches from each other.

I quickly turned away.

“I don’t think it’s any of your concern anymore, Zewujun!” I said,coldly.

“It is,that day took my life too, you see,” he said calmly,while giving a melancholic chuckle with a twinge of...sadness…? in them.

“Ow and why is that,Zewujun? Did you not have your precious A-Yao, to live for then?” I sarcastically ask.

Rolling my eyes in the process.

“No!” he said firmly.

After a short pause, he proceeded to say the words that made my legs almost give way due to the shock and surprise of what he uttered.

“You see A-Cheng, that day, I died too,”

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