Chapter One

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And that was how I missed my bus to school...

I sighed and bent to touch my knees still panting. Looking up to the skies and questioning why I was always a victim of circumstance, was normal to me.

I straightened up, shrugged my shoulders and ran to school. I wasn't going to be a scapegoat in Mr. Jones's class!


I settled in my seat at the front row. I scanned the class and majority of them were discussing topics that seemed quite irrelevant to me. I mean...

Who cares about a celebrity's booger issues?

'Alright, settle down class', Mr. Jones the 40-year old grumpy man said with the usual crease in his eyebrow. 'Open your textbooks to page 41'.

I brought my textbook out and flipped  through the pages while expecting a certain someone to waltz in any moment from now.

'You're late'.

Ah, there she is.

'I apologise for my tardiness Mr. Jones', she said.

There she stood in all of her glory and incomparable beauty. She stood boldly with her brown hair cascading down her shoulders in wavy curls, and her gorgeous blue eyes staring at the floor in slight embarrassment and her slightly tanned skin glistening under the light that shone across the classroom.

She was a beauty.

And she was my sister.

'It's okay Miss Jameson, I know you had a reason', Mr. Jones replied in a calm tone.

His response wasn't surprising as Kiera Jameson has always been his favorite student and the only one he compromises his values for.

She wasn't a straight A student. She was just blessed with looks that most girls will die for and a personality that was indeed sweeter than honey.

I was the topper in this class, but academic excellence obviously doesn't earn you a respectable status in school...but luckily, I'm her baby sister so I get regarded with little recognition.

As soon as Mr. Jones replied, she smiled a little and made her way to the seat beside me. Yup, she was my desk mate.

She stared at me gently with those warm blue eyes of hers, and topped it off with a gentle smile. I really can't blame everyone for being so smitten with her.

I responded with a little smile of my own, as I tucked my auburn hair behind my left ear.

She sat on her seat with her body propped gracefully as usual, earning the not-so-unfamiliar stares from the rest of the class.


I turned and stared straight ahead trying to focus my full attention on what the teacher was saying, instead of that nagging feeling of jealousy in my heart.

It was all going to be okay...this is not the first time.

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;) Elle

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